Harry Potter Story V3.

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I'm going to release the first chapter real soon. I've made the first three chapters.

But I have a few questions. 

I'm writing the Diagon Alley Chapter for Y/N now and I have a few questions.

One) Dragon Core or Unicorn Core or Pheonix Core or Thestral Core?

I know people do crazy stuff with the cores and I didn't want to be one of them but the Thestral Core makes sense for Y/N. 

"It was regarded as an unstable, if not the most difficult, substance to use in wand-making, though "Veela Hair" was also described as such, but had been successfully utilized. It was potent, a tricky core to master; only a witch or wizard who was capable of accepting death could do so."

"It is assumed that one must be able to see Thestrals in order to utilize their hair, and since one must witness death first-hand to see a Thestral."

Both quotes are taken straight off the Harry Potter Wiki. 

It fits Y/N well, he saw the death of his parents, he can see Thestrals, he knows what he needs to do to protect Harry and the wand will work with him.

Two) I need a name for an Owl.

I'm thinking of Archimedes because of The Sword and The Stone.

But I would love to hear your ideas.

Three) In Harry's sixth year, what do you want Y/N to do?

Y/N would have just finished his seventh and final year as a student at Hogwarts.

Do you want him to be at Hogwarts? 

Getting lessons from different professors to be more prepared for what's going to happen.

Do you want him traveling the world to get more creatures?

He will travel to America, France, and many other countries that have a wide array of creatures who can help him in a war, he would also make some allies along the way who could help him.

Or do you want it to be both?

I like both.

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