Chapter 67 - Future Husband

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After dressing up as a 29-year-old female cultivator at the early stage of Foundation Establishment, she would neither be underestimated nor stand out too much. Unless she met someone familiar, no one would associate her current appearance with being the last disciple of True Saint Jiang Heng.

It was Zhang Yiyi's first time using a teleportation array, so she was quite curious. While paying the teleportation fee and waiting for enough people to fill the batch, she decisively asked the teleportation staff a number of questions without any sense of shame. Surprisingly, the staff were very courteous and answered all her inquiries, even when some of her questions were clearly beyond their level of understanding. They remained patient and smiling throughout.

In fact, they had encountered many first-time teleportation users like Zhang Yiyi before, but few were as bold and unconcerned about being ridiculed as a country bumpkin as this pretty young lady was. That's right—key point: she was pretty. If it had been an ugly person chattering incessantly, who would have had the patience to listen?

Zhang Yiyi didn't dwell on this. Once she experienced the teleportation firsthand, her mind became consumed with the profound sensation of spatial transfer. The distortion of space, the intersection of time, and the countless colorful light points that seemed chaotic yet followed a mysterious rule—at that moment, they appeared both eternal and fleeting.

Though this was considered a short-distance teleport for the array, it opened up a whole new world for Zhang Yiyi.

"Hurry up! The teleportation's long over—why are you still standing here daydreaming?"

Only when someone impatiently urged her to move did Zhang Yiyi snap out of her reverie. Oh, she had indeed arrived at the teleportation array in Jiagu Guan City.

But compared to the teleportation staff on the other side, the service attitude here was much worse! As expected, there are real differences between people.

Luckily, Zhang Yiyi was still basking in the small joy she had gained from the experience, so she didn't mind the staff's attitude. She followed the others, queued up, and spent two lower-grade spirit stones to obtain an entry pass for Jiagu Guan City. With that, she officially stepped into this place.

Of course, the name on her new identity pass was not Zhang Yiyi of Yunxian Sect, but Han Lin, a rogue cultivator. After all, it's always more convenient to operate under a false identity while traveling.

"Hey, kid, come here."

As soon as she entered the city, Zhang Yiyi pointed casually at a boy who looked like he was about to run toward her. With a practiced air, she picked out one of the children.

Sure enough, seeing this, all the other kids sensibly retreated, looking for their next potential customer.

The chosen boy eagerly ran up to her, full of enthusiasm and respect. "What can I do for you, Fairy Sister? I know everything about Jiagu Guan City inside and out. For a small fee, you can just tell me what you need."

The boy who called himself Liuzi looked no more than eleven or twelve years old and hadn't begun cultivating. He was a regular mortal, but his sharp eyes, straightforward attitude, and lack of sycophancy made it clear that he was a bright and capable kid.

Although it was Zhang Yiyi's first time on a mission, she had seen enough to know how things worked. A local guide like Liuzi could make her life much easier if used correctly, but he could also lead her into a trap if not handled properly.

That's why she confidently called out to him, her seemingly casual choice actually based on careful observation.

"My surname is Han, you can call me Sister Han," Zhang Yiyi said to Liuzi. "I need to rent a temporary place to stay, at least for a month. If I'm still around, I'll extend the rental. The place needs to have decent spiritual energy, shouldn't be too noisy, and must be relatively safe. The price can't be too high either. Do you know of any suitable places?"

"Sister Han, your requirements sure are specific..."

Liuzi chuckled but quickly changed his tone with confidence. "But you're smart for choosing me to help! I do know a place that fits all your needs, but I'll need half an hour to check with the landlord."

"Alright, I'll wait for half an hour."

Zhang Yiyi pointed to a nearby teahouse. "Once you've sorted everything out, find me at that teahouse. And bring me the most detailed map of Jiagu Guan City and its surroundings—not the kind you can buy in shops, but the insider knowledge kind."

"Don't worry, Sister Han, I got it."

Liuzi, having no intention of slacking off, noted how sharp Zhang Yiyi was and reminded himself to put in extra effort for this smart and pretty client.

"Here, take this for now. Once everything's done, I'll give you two more as a reward."

Zhang Yiyi handed Liuzi a lower-grade spirit stone as a down payment. She had noticed earlier that local guides like Liuzi typically charged one or two spirit stones for errands, as they often earned commissions from any deals they helped broker.

By promising him a fair amount, she ensured he'd be more motivated without drawing too much attention.

Sure enough, Liuzi happily took the spirit stone and hurried off to arrange the rental. Zhang Yiyi wasn't worried about him running off with the payment, knowing that the prospect of more spirit stones would keep him honest.

"Waiter, a cup of spirit tea, please."

Zhang Yiyi chose a seat by the window in the teahouse, sipping tea as she listened to the conversations around her.

Teahouses and taverns were often the best places to gather local information, so she took her time, listening in to learn more about Jiagu Guan City in preparation for her upcoming tasks.

Before she could enjoy her tea or overhear much gossip, she was suddenly confronted by an absurd and unexpected situation. Someone was blatantly flirting with her.

"Miss, don't I look familiar?"

A man in green sat down across from Zhang Yiyi, flashing a bright smile that showed off eight large white teeth. He grinned smugly. "You should recognize me—because I'm your future husband, Zheng He, the son of the city lord of Jiagu Guan City!"

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