The falcon

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''I will ask the queen to send funds to Dusirene for the country's reconstruction.''

''You have our word then, we will fight by your side.''

The prince straightens up, crossing his legs as he continues to think.

''Why did Her Majesty the Queen make you her heir ?''

''Because she wishes for equality between men and women.''

''She serves a noble cause, but what does the public think ?''

''The nation is divided.''

''When we were alone, you admitted that she wanted your sisters and you to remain united.''

''She realized too late that this is impossible, which is why she helped your people.''

The former commander rests his elbows on the table, crossing his hands.

''How did Erath know that Princess Vibeke De Skov was planning a coup d'état ?''

''The Falcon told them.''

''Who is the Falcon ?''

''In their case, it would be more accurate to ask who the members of the Falcon are.''

Aleksander tilts his head to the side, frowning. Although the discussion is only on serious matters, Mahery can't help but find him cute.

''The Falcon is a secret organization that only follows the orders of the spirits.''

''The spirits ?''

''It might be unsettling for you, after all, Dusirene hasn't used magic for over a hundred years.''

For the blond, magic is like stepping out of his comfort zone, it's something he can't handle alone. He will always need someone to guide him on this subject.

''The spirits are the voices of our ancestors, they show us the future. Sometimes they tell us clearly, sometimes they use riddles.''

''How can you get in touch with your ancestors ?''

''Through the priestesses, they have the ability to see and communicate with them.''

''Is that the case with the former princess heir ?''

''Yes, Razia could see the spirits from the age of four. My mother was reluctant to the idea of her dedicating her life to the cult of the ancestors and the religion of the Women of the Light. The reason is that by becoming a priestess, one vows to chastity.''

''So no heir.''

Mahery nods slowly.

''Why didn't you tell me anything when I showed you the gift from your elder sister ?''

''I don't trust this organization. They can put someone on the throne just as easily as they can depose them.''

''Is uppose that has happened before.''

''Eighty years ago, they deposed Queen Hanitra, the last Voavy on the throne. The reason was that she only had male heirs. Her grandchildren were mostly boys as well. They consulted the spirits to see if any females would be born. The ancestors unanimously answered no.''

Aleksander looks at the statue that adorns the nearby fountain and realizes itis that of the former queen.

''But,'' the blond starts, ''is it true? Were there only males ?''

The prince nods in agreement. The marquis then reflects on the strange dreams he has had in recent days. A shiver of fear makes his skin crawl, he rests his arms on his legs, looking away as if to chase away his anxiety.

''I don't want to know what Razia saw for me,'' the prince suddenly confesses, redirecting the marquis's attention to him. ''I don't want to hear the spirits say I will fail. That is why I stay away from the Falcon.''

''Is the high priestess your ally ?''

''I don't know.''

''Her message indicated she was, so maybe the outcome will be positive.''

''But at what cost ?''

The two dare not look at each other anymore, pretending to think before continuing.

''Let me test the waters,'' Alex suggests. ''I will speak with the members of the organization. If the priestesses have seen something positive, the Falcon will be your ally. If not, you will have one more enemy.''



''Let me finish.'' The marquis falls silent. ''On the day of the jubilee, I will send you to see my sister, you must report back everything she tells you.''

The former commander nods vigorously, both have placed their arms on the table, focused on the direction of the conversation.

''She might not be herself since it's a day of celebration. You will easily notice if a spirit possesses her or not. Ask her simple questions, but don't ask anything about me. All I want to know is if the people of Erath will farewell in the future.''

Without realizing it, they are naturally holding hands.

''Alright,'' Aleksander breathes.

His blue eyes notice their joined hands, the prince has also noticed. The marquis slowly withdraws his hand.

''I'm sorry.''

''Why ?''

They look at each other, the blond is unable to respond. His mouth becomes dry, and he feels weak.

''You are still my consort.''

The pale one smiles slightly as he continues.

''Everyone knows I am a threat, the mission is somewhat compromised. It is impossible for me to go unnoticed.''

Mahery turns his head towards Medard, Aleksander follows his gaze.

''So, this Falcon will be your eyes.''

The marquis's heart skips a beat, wondering if he heard correctly. Medard looks up at them while the prince gestures for him to come. The dark blue-haired omega arrives under the porch, bowing. The marquis does not know how to react. Did he hear correctly ? The shock is palpable in the air. Generally, it is alphas and betas who are part of the secret services, or at least that is the case in Dusirene. That's why the blond reacts this way.

''He is aware.'' The prince simply states.

Medard's face is unyielding.

''Are you too ?'' The omega asks, not expecting the prince to know his true function.

''I'm not born yesterday,'' the heir adds.

In less than a few minutes, the situation has shifted dramatically. Aleksander is shocked to learn that Medard is a member of the Falcon, but the latter is surprised to have been discovered by the prince. The former commander sighs as he looks again at his "lover." One of the first rules in combat is not to underestimate any opponent. And that is what the blond did unconsciously regarding Mahery. By thinking he was a weak being, he was deceived himself. This alpha surely hides other secrets, which he will reveal when the time comes. Strangely, Aleksander doesn't mind this, on the contrary. He who complained internally that being under the prince's orders might be boring, no longer thinks it will be the case. Nevertheless, he doesn't forget that he needs to have a serious talk with his servant, or rather, with his new assigned spy.

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