Strangers in the Night

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Jerry, being the good nerd that he was, had a passion for film sagas. Although he wasn't the biggest fan of the Harry Potter series, he knew he had to visit the Warner Brothers Studios in London and take the behind-the-scenes tour of the saga. Every movie had been filmed there, and he would be able to walk through all the sets, see the props and costumes used in the films, and witness firsthand the intricate details and complexity of bringing J.K. Rowling's world to life. It was an expensive trip, but one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

He took the tube to Victoria Station, where he would catch the bus to Watford, about an hour and a half from central London. Feeling more relaxed, he was finally doing what he should be—enjoying interesting experiences and having fun in London. When he arrived at Victoria Station, he noticed a long line of people waiting for the bus to Watford. He knew it would take a while to board, but he didn't mind, having already reserved his ticket. He was just happy to be on this journey. The bus eventually arrived, and Jerry got on, found an empty seat, and settled in. As the bus pulled away, he gazed out the window, watching the city drift by. He saw houses, cars, people and tree, taking in everything London had to offer.

 He saw houses, cars, people and tree, taking in everything London had to offer

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During the journey, Jerry found himself thinking about Carol again. He hadn't seen her since she visited him in the hospital, and he was eager to see her once more. His gut told him she was staying at the mansion on Drayton Gardens. He could no longer deny it... he felt something very strong for her. He wanted to know more about her, about her life in the U.S., her dreams, her aspirations. He also wanted to invite her out for lunch or dinner. However, he was nervous. He didn't know if she wanted to see him again... but he had to try. He couldn't stop thinking about her and needed to find out if she felt the same way.

The bus finally arrived in Watford, and Jerry made his way to the Warner Brothers Studios. The group was greeted by a guide who kicked off the tour with a welcome video featuring the three main actors from the series: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. Then the group entered, in grand style, into the Great Hall—the Hogwarts dining hall, one of the most iconic sets of the series. Jerry was struck by the stone floor, the solid wooden tables and chairs, custom-made and aged for the set, and the intricate details of the various props.

The group moved on to explore the film's behind-the-scenes costumes and special effects, including Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia, a range of magical props, and the famous flying broomsticks. They also explored parts of Hogwarts Castle's interior, including Dumbledore's office, the Gryffindor common room, the boys' dormitory, and the Potions classroom; Hagrid's hut, with its unique decor of cages and strange creatures; the Weasleys' kitchen, with its magical utensils like the self-cleaning frying pan and the clock that allowed Mrs. Weasley to know where every member of her family was; the Ministry of Magic, featuring parts of one of the largest sets ever built for a film; famous props like the Nimbus 2000, Hagrid's motorcycle, and various characters' wands; the "backlot," an open area between the two studios where they saw the famous Dursley house at 4 Privet Drive, part of the Hogwarts bridge from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the triple-decker Knight Bus, constructed from parts of three old London buses, and Sirius Black's motorcycle; Platform 9 ¾, complete with the original Hogwarts Express train, including the carriage where the three young wizards first met; Diagon Alley, featuring Ollivanders' wand shop, Flourish & Blotts bookstore, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and Gringotts Bank; a breathtakingly detailed model of the exterior of Hogwarts; the eerie Forbidden Forest, with its giant trees and fantastic creatures such as the giant spider and the Hippogriff; and Gringotts—the wizarding bank set, including the Lestrange vault and a gallery of Goblins.

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