It Must Have Been Love

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Twilight cast heavy shadows over the office, as Colin sat in his chair, enveloped in an atmosphere of disappointment and anger. The deep lines on his face, etched by years of friendship with Carol, seemed more pronounced now, reflecting the inner torment consuming him. He took a sip of whiskey, trying to relax. Colin's mind was filled with disturbing images, all tied to the woman he had known for so long: Carol, 54 years old, his longtime friend, now possibly involved with a young man of just 33. It wasn't just the age difference that gnawed at him, but also the sense that something dark and sinister lurked beneath the surface. He recalled the moments he had shared with Carol... laughter, tears, life stories. They had been confidants, kindred spirits in friendship, until Jerry appeared... a younger man who was now capturing her heart and occupying a space that had once been his alone. A wave of anger surged through him, like a fierce storm threatening to destroy everything in its path. He saw Jerry as a threat, someone who could take Carol away from him, leaving a painful void. Colin's fury wasn't only directed at the situation; he also felt betrayed by Liam, his boyfriend, who seemed to be the only one with inside knowledge of Carol and Jerry's relationship. He felt deceived, as if Liam had withheld key details, undermining his trust. In that darkened room, Colin vowed to himself that he would do whatever it took to sabotage the relationship he saw as a threat. He couldn't accept what was happening, and he was prepared to go to any lengths to protect his bond with Carol. It was a toxic blend of jealousy, rage and fear consuming him, turning him into a shadowy, vengeful figure. The shadows stretched even longer in the room, mirroring the darkness now filling Colin's heart. He was determined to fight against this relationship, no matter the cost, even if it meant losing Liam's love. Disillusionment and anger burned in his chest, fueling a storm of destructive emotions that threatened to engulf everything in their wake.

Liam hesitated for a moment at the doorway, watching the office bathed in twilight. The dim glow from the lamp in the corner cast long, mysterious shadows over the furniture and stacked papers. The air was thick with palpable tension, and Liam's heart raced. He knew he needed to confront Colin, but fear held him back. After all, his boyfriend had a peculiar way of showing his displeasure, and he dreaded the icy silence Colin wielded as a weapon. But tonight was different. The deep lines on Colin's face seemed more pronounced, and his piercing gaze didn't escape him. He could feel the weight of time, of disappointments, and of unfulfilled expectations hanging in the air.

Liam entered the room slowly, closing the door behind him as the feeling of claustrophobia grew with every step

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Liam entered the room slowly, closing the door behind him as the feeling of claustrophobia grew with every step. The weight of guilt pressed heavily on his chest, knowing he should have been more transparent with Colin. The details of Carol and Jerry's growing attraction were a secret Liam had kept, not just out of loyalty to Carol but also out of fear of hurting Colin. He had hoped that his omission would go unnoticed, but now he was about to face the consequences of that decision. Colin looked up, his tired eyes meeting Liam's. There was no anger in his gaze, only a deep sadness that cut through Liam's heart. In that moment, he realized that what he had thought was protection was actually eroding the trust they had built over the years. Without saying a word, Colin motioned for Liam to come closer. He did, his shoulders slumped under the weight of his actions. The once cozy and understanding refuge of the office now felt like an abyss of uncertainty. Finally, Colin broke the silence, his voice trembling with contained emotion.

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