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The tension was palpable inside the royal jet as it hovered silently above the multi-story building. The lights of the city below flickered like stars swallowed by the dark. Amari sat beside her brother, her gaze trained on the building where their prey had vanished. The Winter Soldier—James Barnes—moved through the shadows with the grace of a specter, as if reality itself bent to conceal him.

"There he is," T'Challa muttered, his eyes narrowing with fierce determination. His voice, low and dangerous, carried the weight of vengeance he's holding.

Amari's grip on the controls tightened. "Wilson's on the roof, and Captain Rogers is already inside. I link into their communication. The German Special Forces will arrive any second."

T'Challa kept his eyes on the building but turned slightly toward her. "When they come out, I will go after them. You stay in the jet, follow us from the air. Cut off any escape routes if you can."

The radio in her ear crackled, bringing in Sam Wilson's voice, tense and alert. "Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces approaching from the south."

Amari's fingers hovered over the controls of the jet, ready for whatever came next. Every piece of information was critical, every word a signpost leading them toward Barnes.

"Understood," Steve's voice came through, calm and steady, despite the chaos about to erupt. 

"They've set the perimeter."

"They're entering the building. They're on the roof. I'm compromised," Sam's voice tightened, the tension mounting with every second.

Amari's eyes darted from the building to the dashboard, and she relayed the updates to her brother, her voice barely above a whisper. "Wilson's in the air."

"Five seconds," Sam's voice was sharp now. "Three seconds!"

Then the radio erupted with the sound of urgency: "Breach! Breach! Breach!"

Amari's heart raced. "They're inside," she whispered, gripping the controls. "Be ready."

Suddenly, the German forces' radio chatter filled her ears. She quickly glanced at the translation flashing on her screen: "Der Verdächtige ist ausgebrochen. Er ist am östlichen Treppenschacht." The suspect had broken containment, and Barnes was already on the move, heading for the east stairwell.

Through the cockpit windows, she spotted Barnes leaping off a balcony, tumbling onto the lower roof of a neighboring building. He grabbed a backpack and sprinted.

"Now!" Amari shouted to T'Challa.

Without hesitation, her brother launched from the jet, his Black Panther suit enveloping him like a second skin. He landed hard, slamming into Bucky from behind and sending him sprawling across the rooftop. In one fluid motion, T'Challa's claws extended, gleaming in the faint light as he launched into a series of sweeping kicks and slashes. Bucky fought back with equal ferocity, but a powerful kick sent him crashing into a wall.

T'Challa swiped with his claws, spinning with deadly grace, but Bucky was fast. He grabbed a metal bar, holding it up to protect himself from the vicious slashes.

From his vantage point above, Steve Rogers spotted the fight unfolding. "Sam, southwest rooftop!" he barked into his comms.

Sam's voice crackled back. "Who the hell's the other guy?"

"About to find out," Steve replied, already moving.

Steve leaped from his position, landing with a roll on the neighboring building as a chopper flew in, its blades slicing through the air ominously.

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