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The sterile light-gray walls of the bunker like structure cast a cold, almost oppressive atmosphere as Barnes pod was carried away by a forklift. Steve Rogers stepped out of the SUV, his eyes immediately locking on to James, who, despite the proximity, didn't notice him. Amari followed closely behind, her eyes taking in the scene with a quiet intensity, assessing the situation. Sam Wilson and T'Challa flanked them, all converging toward Sharon Carter, who stood next to a small, gray-haired man whose expression mirrored the rigid formality of their surroundings.

Steve, his voice laced with concern, spoke first. "What's gonna happen to him?"

The gray-haired man, Everett Ross, responded with a tone sharp enough to cut through the tension. "Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition."

Sharon Carter glanced at Steve, then made the introductions. "This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander."

Steve's jaw tightened, his frustration clear. "What about our lawyer?"

Everett Ross raised an eyebrow, a cold smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Lawyer. That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup." He nodded to an officer nearby. "Oh, we'll write you a receipt."

Sam, always quick with a quip, shot back, "I better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." 

Steve's attention, though, briefly shifted as he glanced back and made brief eye contact with Barnes, a silent exchange passing between them. There was no time for words, but everything unspoken hung heavily in the air.

Everett Ross led them onward, his steps quick and precise. "You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?"

T'Challa's voice, calm but firm, cut through the tension. "I don't intend on going anywhere."
Amari walked beside her brother, her expression unreadable, though her mind raced. She glanced over at him. "We need to keep watch over Barnes. Things are unstable here."
T'Challa gave a slight nod. "Agreed, but we must remain patient."

They separated from the group, the quiet hum of machinery and muffled voices filling the space. Sitting outside a glass-walled meeting room, Amari and T'Challa observed the scene unfolding beyond them, both of them a steady, quiet presence amidst the chaos. 

Natasha Romanoff's voice cut through the silence, her words blunt. "For the record, this is what making things worse looks like."

Steve, still focused on the one thing that mattered to him, replied, "He's alive."
Tony Stark, barely paying attention as he spoke into his phone, responded with the same sharpness that Everett Ross had shown earlier. "No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup." 

Natasha, not willing to back down, gave Steve a pointed look. "Try not to break anything while we fix this."

Tony, still juggling his conversation on the phone, added, "Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously, you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir."

Steve, frustration etched in every word, asked Tony, "'Consequences'?"Tony finally looked up, his expression serious. "Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted. Had to give him something."

Steve sighed, his face hardening as he stared at Tony. "I'm not getting that shield back, am I?"Natasha stepped in, her voice gentle but firm. "Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too."

Sam let out a cold laugh, shaking his head. "That's cold."

Tony, without missing a beat, replied, "Warmer than jail."

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