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The icy Siberian wind whipped against T'Challa's face as he stood over Zemo, his mind processing the weight of what had just transpired. Zemo was subdued, his attempts at vengeance unraveled, yet T'Challa found no satisfaction in this victory. The Sokovian's pain had led him to manipulate, to destroy, and T'Challa knew all too well what vengeance could do to a man. He grabbed Zemo by the arm, lifting him to his feet with ease.

"Let's go," T'Challa said, his voice low but commanding.

He led Zemo toward the sleek, black Wakandan jet, its sharp silhouette barely visible against the snow. Ayo was en route, and T'Challa expected her arrival any moment now. They had come to end one battle, but there was still more to resolve.

Behind him, Amari stood quietly, her eyes fixed on the darkened entrance of the HYDRA base. "I'll go back inside," she said, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Hoping they haven't killed each other yet."

T'Challa nodded. "Be careful, sister."

With a final glance at her brother, Amari turned and walked back toward the base. The cold steel doors creaked open as she entered, and the heavy silence inside was a stark contrast to the chaotic fight that had unfolded earlier. Faint sounds of battle echoed through the corridors, but they soon faded into silence.

Amari moved cautiously, her spear in hand, eyes scanning the darkness as she navigated the maze of hallways. As she rounded a corner, she paused. Footsteps were coming toward her. Her heart quickened, and she gripped her spear tighter, preparing for a confrontation. But as the figures came into view, her guard dropped. It was Barnes and Rogers.

Both men were battered and bruised, their faces bloodied. Steve Rogers' breathing was labored, his shield nowhere in sight. Bucky Barnes was worse off—his metal arm was gone, only the part of his shoulder was still there—leaning against the Captain. They looked at her in surprise.

"You're after the wrong man, princess," Steve said, his voice hoarse from exertion.

Amari lowered her spear, her eyes softening as she addressed them. "We know," she said, her tone firm but apologetic. "My brother and I have learned the truth. Sergeant Barnes isn't responsible for our father's death. We have Zemo in custody now. T'Challa is outside, waiting for our backup to take him."

Both super soldiers exchanged glances, the surprise evident in their expressions. They hadn't expected an offer of help, especially not from someone they'd once seen as an adversary.

"I'm here to offer our assistance," Amari continued. "As an apology for what happened."

Rogers and Barnes looked at her with a mix of gratitude and wariness, but ultimately, they nodded. Without a word, they began to walk toward the exit, Amari leading them back through the cold, winding corridors.

Outside, the biting wind greeted them once more. A second Wakandan jet had landed, and Zemo was nowhere in sight—Ayo had already taken care of him. T'Challa stood in front of the jet, his regal posture unshaken by the frigid weather. As Amari, Barnes, and Rogers emerged from the base, T'Challa's gaze settled on the two men.

"Your Highness," Steve said, nodding respectfully.

T'Challa nodded in return but turned his attention to Barnes, his expression solemn. "Sergeant Barnes," T'Challa began, his voice calm but full of meaning. "I wanted to apologize to you for all that has happened. I believed you to be responsible for our father's murder, but we know his death was the result of Zemo's machinations."

Bucky's face was still, though a flicker of relief and confusion crossed his features.

"It was you and Captain Rogers who led us to uncover Zemo's plan," T'Challa continued. "For that, I owe you more than just an apology. I would like to offer Wakanda's help. There may be someone in my country who can help remove the Winter Soldier programming that was forced upon you."

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