Part 2: Chapter 1

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2 years after the events in the Avengers

I slapped at the end table, trying to grab my phone as it blared, ringing. Finally when I grabbed it, I answered.

"Jay," I grumbled into the phone.

"Barton, you and Rodgers need to get down to the Triskellion," Fury ordered.

"Fury, I'm willing to overlook the fact that it is," I looked at my clock and nearly cried. "6 in the morning on my day off, the first one I've had in months, if you promise me that it's a good one."

"Pirates," Fury said, and hung up.

"Slippery son of a bitch," I muttered. "He knows how to peak my interest. Steve," I said, turning to Steve's side of the bed. He was gone.

"He's running," I sighed. At 6. On our day off. Stupid morning person. Usually, when he came back he'd wake me up, but he must still be out.

I got up, but smiling since I pretty much had dibs on the shower, and I wouldn't have to argue with Steve over it, which would probably lead to a compromise that would make us both late. Steve and I had been living in DC for a year and a half, as partners at SHIELD. We'd been sleeping together for a year.

Sighing, I got out of the shower, brushed my teeth and grabbed my brush to brush out my hair. I threw it up into a ponytail and then used my telepathy to go through my clothes. To SHIELD this was my room, so when inspections came, all my stuff was here, and all of Steve's was in his room. We alternated whose 'room' we slept in every night. It was usually whose ever was closest.

SHIELD was still unaware of our romantic relationship, though I believed Fury suspected a lot. That was fine with me, so long as his suspicions stayed just that - Suspicions.

Flicking through, I pulled out a light blue tank top, a pair of blue skinny jeans, my trusty black leather jacket, and a pair of black chucks, all while GPSing Steve – which sounds weird, but it was a function we had on both of our phones, so we could find each other. It was a SHIELD thing.

He was running around the reflection pool and a few of the memorials. Sick.

Shaking my head, I walked into the living room/kitchen and made coffee while I looked for my keys. Double-checking that the door was in fact locked, I grabbed my keys, which were in one of the cupboards, - don't ask, it was a long night - my coffee, and I teleported to the stairs and did my version of morning exercises, walking down the 4 flights of stairs. Really hard core.

My metabolism, thanks to my healing powers, was really fast, so I could eat anything and not gain a pound. It was amazing.

Steve was used to being in the army, so he ran, worked out heavily, and all that. Occasionally I would spar and lift with him, but we were working our asses off at SHIELD lately, so there was no point in it.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I nodded to the SHIELD camera over the door, and walked out onto the street. I unlocked the SHIELD car, and got in. I slipped my aviator shades on, and followed the GPS to Steve. He was talking to a stranger in an army sweatshirt when I got close. At a stop sign I texted him.

Jay: Mission Alert. Extraction imminent. Wait by the curb. :)

He looked at his phone, and then scribbled something into the notebook he kept to remember what 21st century things he needed to watch/listen to or do. He backed up, still talking to the guy as he did.

I rolled up, and, smirking, rolled down the window.

"Hey, boys," I said. "Can you point me towards the Smithsonian? I'm here to pick up a fossil named Steve."

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