Chapter 9

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A/N: Welcome back to your monthly update of Jaime, which is supposed to be weekly, but the butthead writer forgets to update. Anyways, this time around, I have a slightly better excuse for my buttheadedness, (buttheadary?) I'm trying to figure out how I want to do part three based Age of Ultron, when the heck I'm going to finish part three AoU, and if I'm going to do a part 4 of Civil War so the slow update this month is part procrastination, part writers block. But, once I figure that out, I assure you the updates will hopefully go back to weekly. Sorry for the long A/N, I'm done rambling, to the story!


    I changed into a different leather jacket Hill had lent to me; it was black, as were my jeans and t-shirt. Steve and I were going to go steal his old 1940's uniform from the Smithsonian. I knew he hoped that it would jog James – Bucky's memory.

I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him everything I knew. I wanted to tell him how James had saved me from Hydra. How there was still a good man somewhere in there, and not just the killer.

But if I told him that, I would have to tell him about the circus. About how Clint and I got on the SHIELD radar in the first place. And that was not a conversation to have right now.

I wandered out to the walkway along the abandoned dam. Steve and Sam were talking.

"Whoever he used to be, the guy he is now, I don't think he's the kind you save. I think he's the kind you stop," Sam said.

"I don't know if I can do that," Steve said.

"Well, he might not give you a choice," Sam said. "He doesn't know you."

"He will," Steve said. He saw me, and nodded. "Gear up. It's time."

I walked towards them, and smiled.

"You're going to wear that?" Sam asked, and I patted his arm as I walked to Steve.

"No," Steve said. "If you're going to fight a war, you need a uniform."

I grabbed Steve's hand and winked at Sam, before teleporting the both of us to the Smithsonian Museum of Airspace.

We snuck over to the Captain America exhibit, and found the mannequins that had all the howling commando uniforms, and Captain America's original one right in the middle.

We quickly stripped the mannequin, and I grinned at Steve, before making the mannequin hold the fake shield over its pelvis.

Steve chuckled, and grabbed my hand. We teleported back to the safe house, in the room Fury designated for us to change in.

Since I was going to play the councilwoman today, I changed into navy blue suit jacket and skirt, the same that the Councilwoman would wear. Steve quickly changed into his Captain America uniform.

We turned and looked at each other, and I knew I had a scowl on my face. Steve laughed.

"Try not to look like you're hating every second of it," Steve said.

"I am," I told him. He kissed my pouting lips, and I felt him smile.

"Ready when you are, Cap," Sam said as he walked in, and then stopped dead.

Steve and I jumped away from one another, and looked down, blushing like guilty children.

"I don't want to know," Sam said. "I don't want to know."

Steve and I looked at each other, both still blushing, but now we were trying to hold back a smile. I chewed my lip, trying to keep it under control.

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