Chapter 5

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Steve pulled up the driveway to the location on the GPS. He pulled up all the way to the gates and the faded stop sign. Beyond that were dilapidated buildings that looked like army bunks.

"This is it?" Steve asked.

"The file came from these coordinates," I told him, looking up from the tracker. We both looked at the sign on the gate.



"So did I," Steve said. We walked through the gates, and we wandered around as it got darker and darker out. I pulled out my SHIELD phone, and scanned for any sign of computers or anything that could find the computers.

"This camp is where I was trained," Steve said finally as we passed the first set of barracks.

"Change much?" I asked him.

"A little bit," he said. I shrugged, and kept walking along a platform, letting him take it in. When I looked back a minute later, he looked like he saw a ghost.

"Steve," I said, and watched as my voice seemed to break through the haze. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he said, and shook it off. I resisted the urge to take a peak in his head, and looked back at my phone. Nothing.

"Well, this is a dead end," I said. "No heat signatures, no waves, not even radio," I told him, sticking my phone in my back pocket. "Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off."

Steve looked over behind me, and I followed his gaze. There was a bunker that was about 200 feet from the barracks.

"What is it?" I asked. He started to walk over, shield on his arm. I followed quickly behind.

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions' within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place," Steve said as we got closer to the door.

When we got to the door, I stood behind Steve, and he hit the lock with his shield, breaking it instantly.

We walked in and the first thing we could see was the first SHIELD logo on the back wall, with desk after desk lining up after it.

"This is SHIELD," I said, looking around. "I've been to almost every active SHIELD base. This is an old one."

"Probably where it started," Steve said.

We wondered about, and went into a door that looked like a filing room of some sort.

On the wall across from the door was three pictures hanging on the wall.

"There's Stark's father," I said, nodding to the middle one.

"Howard," Steve said.

I nodded. I looked at the woman on the right. She was eerily familiar. I knew her face from somewhere. I wasn't too concerned with the old general on the left. His name was something like Phillips. But the woman's named slipped my mind.

"Who's the woman?" I asked. Steve gave the photo a quick look, and then walked away. I looked back at her more curiously. I committed it to memory, telling myself I'd look more into it later.

I followed Steve through the stacks of cabinets, looking for anything now.

"Hey, over here," Steve called out. I wandered over, as he pushed the bookcases to the side. There was a short hallway, and then an elevator. It didn't look safe at all.

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