so uh yeh it wase a gud dai in hel wel not ackshuali cuz ser penios ackshuly jus hit le twin towarts with le babey. angle4
'angle sorev vis amd sayd WATAFAK OMG U STEPUID SNEKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz he wase rasest and HATID sir penile!!!!!!!!!!! he wented on hellstagrem amd maid an acownt cald @totalsnaykdeth wich ment he wantid 2 keel al sneks. hwe postid a vidio sayig REFORM HEL!!!!! HAV A TOTEL SNAYK DETH!!!!!! wich atractid al of le snayk rasists of le hel werld. angle wasde sooooooo hapi that he had an comuneti 2 be rasist in. so he postid a foto of he's wili in a groop chat but al of his fansd wer SOOOOOO angri! cuz angle is a gai!! adn they are homofobec!!!!!1 he cride and cride but then relised... this is al sert penile's fult!!! if he hadint mayd le helstergarm acownt, wich he mayd becus of ser penenmus, he wudnt be resifing all off this hayt!!!!!! grrrrr!!!11!!1!!!
angle mayd a plan.. 2 hav a IRL TOTAL SNAYK DETH!!! A REEL GENMOSIDE ALL BECUS OF ONE MAN! ANGLE DURST!!"!11!! it wase le perfict plan, he wud go to le snayk mart, were all of le snayks bye there fude 2 eet, and then he wud get a bom and KEEL THEM ALLL!!!!!! and then he wud get oute an AK-47, eliminate the last victims remaining and dispose of their corpses by dissolving their bodies in sodium hydroxide, and dumping the remaining mush into a near by river where the last few chunks of flesh would be eaten by fishies! :33333333 yaya:3333333223333
he hedid 2 le shope an got oute a BIG NOOK!!!! he settid it downe on le flore and settird it of!!!!!! he runnid awai soooo fastli 2 his car were ther are AK-47 and moar gun!!!! onse the bom went of almosed evriwun had bene kilded and insiniratid bye the nucliar raditashunm stuf. he sune relisd that the last fyoo pepil remining wear a singul mufer wif her non verbil ortistic child (ate yers old) hoo wase weelchare bownd, never 2 walc agen, asnf his ARK NEMISISE!!!!!! SER PELNINLE!!1!!!!11!!!! HE GOTTED fild wif RAGE!!!!! so he got he's gun and shottid downe le ortistic childe (9 shots fired in total) and then he piked up a car wif he's supar strenth and FREW IT AT LE MUFER!!!!1!! (DIED ON IMPAC5T) . onli seer pemilevous wase left.... he loked ast angle scaridli and syas "pleeeeessssssssss!!! angl;e!!!! in don wan to dye/1!!!!!! i am sssssssssssssssori for givig birf 2 a 9/11 catassssssxssssssssssstrefee!! i sswsessssssssorie!!!!!!" angle loked at hem but wase not gilti orf hesitet, no... he wantid moar.... hecwantid a TOTEL SNAYK DETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anglwe werkeed up soooo much raig in he's bodi that he piked up ser penius wif he's BEAR HANDSDS AND PUTTEC HE'S POINTI FIGAR IKN HE'S ARSHOL!!! then he wigld it aeroumd andf iggld to hemself.. thiking... "i hope fat nugges dusnt sea me liek this,, cuz hewud be soo sade if he see'd me liek dis......" wsAdli.... he fgogtted angri agen and then putterd moar fingarz in he's BUM!!!!! he adid his mindfuil finer, den he's rig fingear, then he's pinki figar ASND HE'S FUM!! ser penitus SCREMED in pane!!! he wsaid "OLWIEEEE ANG;EEE OWWWWIEEEE THAT HERTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I AN SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSO MUCH IN PANE OPELASEEESWEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStoppPPPPP!!!" agnel was irifersibli ANGRI""" at this poynt. he cud not tern bak 2 he's old.. nyce wais...... he was EEEVIL!!!!! he flug ser pentinus intob vee grownd and bashd he's bodio aganest the wall. sir penmitius was in soooo much pane and vhe was soooooo sad. angle did note care.. he just keeped fliging penilistious into le wals wif he's mindefule fingaer and he's fum and hes rig figer. andgle rthen had enuf!!! and he FREW SER PENTININIOUS ACROSE LE STREAT AND INTO LE SNAYK PLAYS OF WERSHEP (snaykegogg.) ALL OF LE SNAYKS RAN OUTE IN FERE ASD HE BNROKE INTO THE WALE ANMD THE BILDING WASE FALING DOWNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the wend
...Yes, Val -An angsty Valdust story......
FanfictionOn a stormy day in hell... Angel is called for an 'emergency' filming, unbeknownst to the slutty spider, he was in for a freaky time...