to cach an anlistor

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it was a happ;y day in hell, and alinstro was shopping at hellmart. he was gettin his growsuries and then he sore a kid and he fort it was supoer hot so he starteed master baiting in the middle of hellmart and thats a bit weird cuz hellmert is a pubic place and ver were preeple in there ands a shoppp  keeper and he ws like mate i know where in hell but cannyou not be a nonce here please. 

ok and then he left.

when he got home he didnt actually go to hasbin he went to his secret house with his mate called edp 446 cuz he was in helld cus he was killed in na brootal 8 hour standoff with the pleese. also dreem eas therr asnd doctor disrespect was there and lionmaker was there and lorne armstromng and leefy cuz he was just there he isntn a nonce i fink. and also lee bear and bashoooverse. on his pee se ther was 900 terrorbites of vchild pron. therer was also nyood imijis of angle as a child sticked to his worl. amd on his frig. so yeah theyre pedos.

sotlas was wlaking asround hel;l (hes in hasbin htoel now not hellof a boss) and he saw the nonce den ans he wss like woah man these guys shouldnt be here they should be in SUPER HELL!! cus theyre super evil not even hitler was this bad and then he ran and called his buddy blitso. to beet up these noncey scums.

so latee on the 2 guys wen on their hell phone and found analtor on hellstagram. vey were posing as a 2 year old girl callrd lis trus idk who she is i just camre up wiwth that name definitel not prime minster. thn they meesaigded alnis and sayed 'do you wanns see my pantues' and analstor waslike 'woah a bit ambitious for a 2 yeer old! daddy likey growwwllll'. si alsnitor sent a deck peck and it was really hairty and infected with crabs. bitslo anmd sotlas bomitid. they say woah and sent a pic of bliastos dick andsay 'dont ask why i have a dick im ambidextrous. and snlistor dayed ok i like da pe pe too. so they sayed lets  eet up tomorrow and alistor nutted on film and sen it to them and then saud yeah sure.

vee next dayh alinstoir was warking around again near his hasbin house and then the 2 imp and bird upprochud him. 'whyndoyou have childs corn on your pei see you dirty slag' and alnistah pan icked. he started hevy breeving and he started sweating/. 

'wat dio yuo mean im only heer to meet a 50 year odl shes of age i swear!@and then they brpugh out a print of the pic of alintir wily and his secksual freaky teckts. he tryied to run way but bitso punched him in the face and threw a brick at his nutsack. alistpr howled in payne and fell over. storlas shuved him uiprught and alistor pleaded: 'just let me off with a wearning please dont call the police it was a mistake i swaer ill egt ferupy!' amd the 2 just laffed. 'were not done with you garglenuts' and they tooo him into the hell town centre. hen they shouyted ALISTOR S A FUCKING PEDO HES HEAR TO MEET A 2 YTEAR OLD GIRL CALLED LIZ TRUSS!. all the sitisens of hell fucking beated up alistor and made him bleed fro his angus and coke. ankle dust sore the commotuon and ran over with fat fuck and they both said ';what is goung on??'(fatty mc fat shit just oinked he didnt say englihs cus hes a pickg.) and then they all sdayed:

@alisotesa fat peedo file!' ansd angle got really annoyed cus he was frends with him and he didnt want oo see alistor liekt this and then he saw the pics of him on alisotrs frig and worl. he got sooper sad a nd bitrayd and cut his wrists and bled out on alisotr.

ankle spitted and shitted on him: 'you dirty nonce mate ill fuck you up' and then the pleece arrived and cut alkisotrs head and dick off. the end maybe i dont know. 

laiter onthat nighht angle rapped fat fucking hugget the fat fucking twat no one likes himmhes a fucing speccy retard and a fat fucking black Nigger hes probbaly an arab too.

oorofrs note: hi guys thanks for being patient m y whole family got killed so i couldnt write any more recently!! just be glad im writing this for u lot now hehe... >u<

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