Protecting You.

401 17 2

I woke up holding...someone...

I let my eyes ajust to to sunlight and look down at the tiny, warm body...Vinny, in my arms. How did i get here again?..

"Might aswell lay down while we wait for them to get back here.." Vinny said hesitantly

"yeah ok, i mean if we do anything else than we would just mess up the room..right?" i said. she responded with a simple nod and just like that we were cuddling up whispering nonsense to one another.

Oh right we fell asleep! haha ok..but wait were are Val and Dave..? why didnt they wake us up? 

I lazily lifted my head trying to not stir Vinny. I look over to Vals bed to find them..uh..spooning..ew.

I returned my attention back to Vinny admiring her perfectly structured face. Shes so beautiful, and not to mention she looks gorgeous without makeup on. I pushed the stray hairs from her face behind her ear. I wish i could call her mine..but what would the mahomies think?

They would give her a whole world of hate and i really dont want to experience that all. It is honestly the worst feeling in the world. I would know with all the hardcore Justin Bieber fans constantly on me for being a 'wannabe' when in reality thats not the case at all.

I truly am tired of constantly getting compared to Justin. Getting all that hate makes me feel awful about myself, but i have no idea how Vinny would handle all of this. I dont want her to get hurt. So by not asking her out...then that would protect her...right?

I shifted a bit not taking my eyes off of Vinny. I love to just look at her...I know that sounds a bit creepy but shes just the perfect, ideal dream girl. My life has totally flipped around and is now rotating around her entire existence.

I kissed her temple softly nuzzling her cheek. Her eyes slowly opened. They were a soft silver that made butterflies fill my stomach. 

"Hey loser" she said in her morning voice that was very seductive.

"Hi" i said.

"Hahaha! stop looking at me! Your making me self conscious!" she said pushing my face away from her. 

"Whatever, i say we pull a prank on the two love birds over there!" I said pointing over to Val and Dave. She nodded excitedly and we thought up a plan. 

"do you think that will wake them?"

"Val can probably sleep through world war II, i think she will be able to sleep through this,"

"this is going to be hilarious!"

we emptied a huge vase and went to the bathroom and turned the water on freezing. After we got finished filling it up we slowly crept our way towards the bed the two snuggle buddies were hapily sleeping on.

"on 3" she said smiling at me and handing me the right side of the freezing cold vase.


The water flowed everywhere. They both jolted up and out of the bed, Val was screaming and Dave was just a shaken up as she was

as for Vinny and I, we were nearly peeing we were laughing so hard. We both fell on the floor as the two of the love birds cussed under their breath.

"IM SOOO GOING TO GET YOU GUYS BACK!" Val said running into the bathroom. Dave followed her and left me a Vin, yet again, alone.

Finally when things started to calm down and our hysterical laughter turned into occasional chuckles, I decided to check my instagram.

It was blowing up with comments. I looked at the picture to find out which one it was.. I open it only to find it was a picture of VInny and I wrap ed up in each others arms. all the caption said was 'aww' 

I went into panic mode. I looked at the comments on it and it was almost all hate comments towards vinny

'that bitch, shes not even pretty'

'ew Austin! I thought you had higher standards!'


I droped my phone, startling Vinny who was in her own little world, and made my way towards the bathroom.

i swong the door open and yelled "WHO POSTED THAT PICTURE OF VIN AND I ON INSTAGRAM!"

Vinny came running in "Whats the big deal Aus-"

"DONT YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!?" I screamed, pacing the floor

"Whats your problem Austin? I thought it was a cute picture!" Val said looking at me like im crazy.

"THE MAHOMIES ARE RAGING! DID YOU SEE THE COMMENTS!?" i said gesturing towards my phone

Vinny picked up my phone and started reading the comments. I ran out and snatched it from her hands, enabling her from seeing anymore hate.

"Austin, you know i dont care what people think, im a dancer i have to take criticism well!"

"Vinny! its not criticism! Its all lies! None of its true!"

"Austin, i CAN deal with a little hate, It doesn't trouble me what so ever.." she said placing her hand on my shoulder. 

"...I just want to protect you.." I whispered looking away from Vins angelic face

"I know Austin, i know.."

~wow, guys! sorry for updating soooo late on this! i hope you like it! All the comments are amazing! thank you all for reading! it means the world to me! please fan/comment/vote! it gets me updateing faster! :) love ya! xx quiqui

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