Now I Understand..

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Vals P.O.V.

well after the crazy Austin meltdown we all went out for lunch. We went out through the front of the hotel and immediately got bombarded with questions from the press as well as Austins fans. 

"Austin are you going out with your choreographers cousin?"

"This could be a huge mistake in your career, are you worried?"



the door shut behind us as we made our way to a restaurant a fan recommended. Austin was silent. Now i know why he never wanted that picture of him and Vinny out. He knew this would happen..this was all my fault.

I felt Dave squeeze my hand bringing me back into the real world.

"We should probably go through the back entrance next time." I said awkwardly laughing. 

the car was silent. not the good kind of silent, but the unbearable silence. the tension was so thick you could cut it with a spoon. 

I turned up the radio and the car filled with upbeat bon jovi music and the tension seemed to slowly uplift as Dave an i sang to each other, Very ,very badly.. Vinny laughed and began singing along like she did in that video she had sent me during rehearsals. and Austin was back to his usual self singing along side Vinny.


We arrived to the restaurant and all climbed out of the car first Dave, than Vinny. I pulled Austin back and spoke with him

"Im sorry Austin, Now i know why you were so upset. Now i understand."

"Its alright, I guess it was bound to happen sometime right? And Vinny seems fine with it. Shes a strong girl." Austin said smiling brightly as he climbed out of the car. Now their is my Austin.

"Ready? Ill go get us a table." Dave said, Austin following behind him.

"Ill be right back i left my purse in the car!" Vinny said as she waddled her way to the car. I waited outside of the restaurant for her to come back.

She got out of the car and searched in her bag for something..

it was a mirror.

Only i saw the pain and sadness in her eyes when she opened the mirror.I could tell she was feeling insecure about herself which never happened before with her. Vinny is the most outgoing,stupidly hilarious, confident person i know!

she began fixing her hair and makeup. She usually doesn't care what people think about her. I dont understand why she is feeling so insecure all of the sudden. Why is she letting the mean fans get to her?

Vinny then sighed in frustration, throwing the mirror on the ground with a loud crack the mirror shattered. She than said something to the sky, probably cursing at her new found bad luck, and scattered the jagged edges of glass under someones car to hide it. Than she put on her best face and made her way towards the front where i stood waiting for her.

"Oh hey!" Vinny said, noticing me waiting for her.

I eyed her up and down. She looked around uncomfortably as I stared.

"What was all of that at the car?" I asked her

"I don't know what you mean?" she said acting clueless, and Vinny is a TERRIBLE actress so i see right through her lies every time.

"Vinny. Spill. Now." I said sternly.

she sighed, slowly inhaling.

"I don't know Valerie... The comments were"

"If you say true i am going to have so vaporize you."

"but...Val... I just don't know why its getting to me. I honestly don't, I think its because i want to be good enough for Austin, and if Austins fans think I'm not good enough, than maybe I'm not. I really like him val..I don't know what to do."

"Look Vinny," I turned her to face her own reflection in the enterence's door "You are perfect i your own rad way. Everyone has their own insecurities. Everyone has their own weird quirks, but that just makes us human. If all of us were the same, we would be boring miserable things! You are perfect in your own way. But your still my baby cousin so your not allowed to date until your 40."

Vinny started a chain reaction of laughter. She has such a nice laugh.

"Thanks Val. I wuv chuu" she said in a baby voice

"Whatever loser, lets go eat. the boys are waiting for our arrival!" i said holding the door.

she turned "Oh and val,"


"never say "rad" again. Its my thing copy cat" She said with a wink whisking off into the restaurant. That crazy, crazy girl. 

She is DEFINITELY a special one, that for sure!

~yeah yeah, ik its crappy. I will make the next chapter much much better i promise! if you comment a ton i will update ALOT sooner SO COMMENT!<3 love ya ~quiqui

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