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No matter how much freedom Shay promised tally didnt want none of it as she shouted''I dont want to be free i want to be pretty!''

Darce always knew she was nothing like her cousin but she never imagined her cousin not wanting freedom

Yes darce wanted to become pretty to be with peris but she also wanted freedom and after everything peris had said to her she would never be able to forgive him

And she would never allow herself to be changed so he would love her once more. She was better than that. She deserved better than that

''I wish to go''darce said softly as she stood up and looked at tally teary eyed''I wish to be free tal...come with us..please I can't lose you to''darce said weakly as she grabbed tally's hands

''I can't lose you either darce...but i want to be pretty..i don't want what you want...and thats okay you can go and one day im sure we will meet again''tally whispered teary eyed making darce swallow a sob

''You promise?''she asked weakly as she held a pinky up making tally sob and nod

''Yeah i promise''tally whispered back before hugging her thightly. Breathing in the girl she was raised along side with. The girl who was her bestfriend and cousin in one

The girl she loved more than her own parents

And as Shay joined the hug all three girls shared the tears and pain of their new separated paths

''I love you tally''

''I love you to darce. Always and forever''

It had been two days since she left along side Shay and she had never felt more free along side Shay. Traveling. Making things. Swimming all the things that were so un normal felt so much like it was made for her that she despite everything did not regret the path she chose to take

And she doubted she ever would

Darce and tally looked towards David and croy when their eyes landed on a familiar girl''tally?''shay asked breathlessly making darce squeal and run towards her cousin

Shay jumped onto them causing them all to fall onto the ground in laughter ''darce Shay!''tally exclaimed happily as they laughed and hugged clinging onto each other like a dog pile uncaring for the amused eyes that watched them

''Are you two okay?''tally breathed out excitedly making darce and Shay laugh breathlessly

''are we okay. Are you okay look at you looking like you went to war''Shay exclaimed making darce laugh and kiss tally's forhead

''I did! The worst mistake are you kidding me?''tally exclaimed jokingly shoving Shay

''Yeah i gave you like a 7% chance of getting it''Shay said chuckling

''I always knew you had it in you''she said excitedly as she jumped up and jumped onto croy excitedly''didnt i tell you she would come. Ha! I told you''she said hapily as he catched her by her waist shocking everyone

Croy didnt like touch nor was he ever smiling like he was when she had came running him

Darce moved out of his hold and ran back to tally and shay with a smile bigger than any before

''Like my whole body hurts so bad''tally whined making Shay and darce chuckle

''Hey i tried to get you to come with us''Shay said laughing as they laid inside of a tent on a blanket and pillow

Darce laid in the middle of them silently playing with her mothers necklace wich she had worn since the moment she figured out who's it had been

''So you gonna tell me about that necklace?''shay asked smiling as she looked at the heart necklace tally wore''someone gave you that''Shay said sitting up

''Uh...uh...peris came to my room last night''tally said hesitantly making darce sit up and look at tally

''What...''darce said softly feeling he heart break....he had given tally a heart necklace..after saying she was nothing to him until she turned pretty

'' i thought you were just friends''Shay said confused as she looked at tally

''We are''tally swore as darce pushed herself up and walked out ''darce wait please''tally begged pushing herself up and out of the tent

''It's not like that''tally said desperate for her friend to understand

''Than what is it like tally? Why did he give you a heart necklace after basically breaking up with me only two months before? Why did he give you a necklace. Why did he come to your room''darce ranted hurt as she looked at tally who only showed trough the darkness of the fire a few meters away

''You were my bestfriend''darce said softly as she looked at tally before scoffing and walking away into the woods uncaring for the darkness that soon swallowed her from sight

''why are you crying princess?''croy asked spearing behind her making her yell and move to punch him only for her fist to be caught by him with a chuckle

''Fuck Croy''she cursed in anger and relief as she looked at him trough the darkness that hid them from the camp not even a couple miles away

''That was weak...right sorry''he jokingly held his hands up in surrender when he saw her glare making her chuckle softly ''now do you want to tell me what happened?''he asked softly making her weakly shake her head

''No...''she said softly making him sign and step closer

''Well how am i supposed to help you if you wont tell me whats wrong?''he said softly as his eyes met hers. Only them and the wind, the trees, the grass it was only them and nature for a moment

''By distracting me'''she whispered after a moment as she pulled him down by his shirt and kissing him softly before pulling back realizing what she had done''Im sorry i-''he cut her off by smashing his lips onto hers once more

Her arms quickly wrapped around his neck as he picked her up allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he pushed her against a tree while roughly kissing her allowing her to feel his desperation and need

''You sure?''he asked softly as he slowly pulled back ''we don-''she cut him off by kissing him even more firmly than before as she grabbed the back of his head pulling his as close to her as possible

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