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''Your alive''tally breathed out relieved as they met inside the forest just before the city

''Yeah...who...who is gone?''darce asked softly as she looked at the grieving eyes of David

''My father''David said as his voice cracked making Darce swallow her tears as she pulled him into a hug

''I'm sorry''she said softly making him sob as he hugged her

''Me to''he sobbed out softly into her hair not seeing the tears streaming down tally and darcelynn's face

''peris killed him darce''tally whispered weakly making darce sob

''No he-...he woudnt he saved me earlier. He woudnt kill anyone no-''she denied unable to believe it. when a sob of David was her only response she couldn't drown her own as pain and sadness settled within her

''im sorry im so so sorry''darce sobbed out as she clung to David who cried into her hair

''It's okay..its not your fault''he breathed out trough his sobs

''Susie Sussie''tally breathed out as they sneaked onto school grounds shocking the three friends of Shay

''Tally darcelynn we heard the smoke was destroyed an and i lit the flame in the ruins two days ago no one came''sussie said shocked

''Because it isn't real''the boy sussie stood with said making an slap him on the shoulder

''David!''tally called out making David come out from behind the wall

''You dont exsist''the boy said shocked
''Don't hurt me''an said terrified

''your David! Thats David?''sussie said shocked as she looked towards darce and tally

''I'm david''David comfirmed ''we need your help''David said looking at them

''okay guys listen sussie i need your interface ring please''tally breathed out making sussie hand it over without hesitation

''I need you guys to gather as many kids as you can and screamed a diversion okay?''darce said as she looked between the three

''Okay''sussie comfirmed nodding

''You wanna be rebels today is your day''tally said making them grin excitedly

''The smoke lives. Write it in the sky''darce said before running swaying David and tally

''This is awesome''darce breathed out as she saw the fire in the sky showing the childeren that there was still hope. That there was still freedom

As ships floated out of the building tally, David and are flew in before dropping down until they almost reached the ground. The bungee jacket she had once wore once more rested on her body stopping her from hitting the ground ''pretties have some cool things''tally breathed out as they pulled their jackets off an rushed down the stairs out of sight from gaurds

Stairwell after stairwell they sneaked past gaurds until they reached a doortocht level 7

''It's just like sneaking into the kitchen''tally whispered ''open please''tally asked as she started to turn the ring like she had done many times before only this time it didnt open

Well for a moment until a gaurd opened the door where Darcy stood infront of''hey dont mind me im just gonna punch you in the dick real quick''darce hurried out before punching him in the dick making him groan and Bend over just far enough for darce to smash her knee against his face knocking him straight out

''We dont have time lets go''darce muttered when she saw there shocked faces while grabbing the gaurds ring

As the alarm went off the gaurd most probrally having been found they ran trough the halls ''mom!mom!'david called out as they moved from cell door to cell door

''Shay! Shay!''tally called out desperately

''Croy!''darce called out as she ran forward hearing screams from behind a door

''Here here. Come on there's a door key''darce hurried out before she and darce worked together and opened the door

''That way that way''David rushed out as they moved the people down the hall as darcelynns eyes moved over the faces searching for croys

''Fuck thank god''darce breathed out as she jumped onto him making him catch her right away breathing her in relieved she was okay

''Princess''he breathed her in before his eyes fell on tally''you traitor!''he screamed letting darce go and moving to run to tally making darce look at tally and Croy confused

''What...''she asked softly making Croy turn to her

''She worked with the bitch''Croy said glaring at tally making darce look towards tally heartbroken

'''what no yo-''she trailed off seeing the truth on tally's face. She had indeed worked with Nyah ''why''she breathed out before shaking her head

''You know what i dont fucking career need to get Shay and get out of here''darce hurried out shaking her head to clear her mind

''Where's Shay?''tally asked worried making Croy snap

''They took her to surggery''croy's words made darce shake her head

''Wich way?''she asked desperately as she looked at David's mother who pointed a way unable to say anything as she ran towards that side quicker than she had ever ran before

She didnt want Shay to lose her freedom

She couldn't allow it

But as they entered the doors with a plan in mind darce knew it was to late

Shay had lost her freedom. She had turned into a fake woman''tally. Darce do you love it?''shay asked hapily

''I got to be first because i made the most trouble''Shay said hapily making darce silently cry as she looked at the girl who had fought so hard to keep her freedom

The the girl who had fought so hard to not lose her freedom

And yet fate had not listened to her pleas like it never had before

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