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''You should have seen me kicking and screaming. I nearly scratched out a nurse's eye. Tally darce breath''Shay said chuckling

''Shay your eyes''tally whispered silently crying as she looked at Shay

''Golden just like you always wanted. You're not jealous are you?''shay breathed out

''I'm so sorry shay''tally whispered as she cried while darce softly cried while moving her hands to her mouth to stop her sobs

Her bestfriend.....

''Don't apologize. You were right. It is the most incredible feeling looking this way''Shay said hapily as she twirled around when the door opened making everyone quickly turn around

''Peris''tally and darce breathed out weakly

''She is breathtaking isnt she?''nyah asked as she walked in from behind the surgery machines until she stood behind Shay

''You have a choice to make''Nyah said as darce looked between Nyah and the boy who still owned a piece of her heart ''i suggest you choose surgery''

When for a moment no one moved Nyah looked towards peris who slowly walked forward making them step back''all right all right im going''tally breathed out

''Peris hold darcelynn until its her turn''Nyah demanded making peris grab darce and pull her into his chest holding her thightly as darce sobbed softly watching as tally, David and his mother got into the machines

''Free thinking is a cancer tally. Leave people to choose for themselves and they'll destroy the world. they nearly did freeing them of choice saved them. Humanity needs to be led and there are those of us who are fit to lead. People are so much happier this way. You'll be happier this way''nyah said grinning as darce tugged and struggled against peris who only looked down at her with his golden eyes

''But i wont be me''tally breathed out weakly as Nyah walked closer

''No. but you are will be pretty''Nyah said as the machine grabbed their bodies and held them still as smoke filled the machines

No matter how much she struggled peris didnt so much as flinch when a helicopter stopped before the window showing Croy holding a fire gun

And as their eyes conected she send him a nod knowing that her live meant nothing in comparison to three and with that he fired. Breaking the glass and shattering the machines freeing tally. David and his mother

Peris quickly moved his body to cover hers as a voice spoke''chamber compremised''''please evacuate ''

The glass that shattered and the fire that burns the room turning the oxygen into smoke send darce into a coughing fit as her eyes met peris cold golden ones that once used to be filled with love

When the fire touched Paris he accidentally let go of her allowing her to run after David and the rest only to come to a stop moments later ontop of the roof when peris stoped before them meters away

As tally walked forward David rushed to stop her''no tally wait!''

''No let me talk to him please''tally said desperately as she moved forward and out of hearing range

Darce looked at Davids mother''do you have it?''she asked softly earning a nod from her

Darce signed in relief only to gasp as david pushed past her and punched peris making his mother scream his name''David!''

Darce eyes moved between David and peris as they fought getting closer and closer to the egde until darce breathed out a breath she didnt know she had been holding and ran towards them before throwing her and peris over the egde knowing that it was the only way

The only way to save the live of the people she loved...the only way to save their lives and keep her promise to peris

Darcelynn's eyes met tally's as she fell down with time slowing down. The air bit her cheeks and ruffled her clothes as she closed her eyes allowing herself one last moment of peace when arms wrapped around her

''Darce''peris's voice came to her like a soft caress as her eyes met his golden ones full of love and regonation

He regonized her...he finnally remembered her

''My love''she breathed out as she laid her forhead on his and just as they reached the surface his words reached her before the darkness and cold did

''I'm sorry my love''

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