[ 004 ] waking up in blood

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act 1 :: love's embarrassing as hell !
2024 / -lady5tardust

[ 004 ] waking up in blood

[ 004 ] waking up in blood

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          SEPTEMBER 1976hogwarts, scotland

Katya woke up early the next morning, scanning the dorm. The world outside was misty and the Scottish highlands were visible from Gryffindor tower. She had fallen asleep in her school robes, exhausted from the start of term feast, and the bonding she had already done with the girls.

She sat up in her bed and quickly realised her pillow was, once again, covered in blood.

"Shit." She moved quickly to the bathroom, cupping her swollen nose still muttering curse words under her breath. She should have expected more of these, and she hoped the other girls would not start worrying about her.

"It's just a bit of blood" she mumbled as she washed the copper scented liquid off in the sink. The porcelain sink was stained with her blood and she grabbed two tissues, one to stem the blood the other to wipe off the sink.

Her eyes grew wider feeling the hot blood trickle down her chin and onto the floor. "Shit, shit, shit." she used her foot to wipe away the blood, but more and more dropped onto the white tiled floor.

Tears poured down her face as the blood began falling on her toes rather than the tiles. Her face was covered with a mix of hot blood and icy teardrops, all still with the tissue clutched to her bleeding nose.

It felt like water flowing in a river. Red drop after red drop.



Lily walked into the bathroom, sleepy eyed and with contagious yaws, Katya tried to hold back. It was unfortunate for Katya that the girl had either decided to wake early on the first day of term or Katy had been a little too loud when swearing.

The redhead covered her mouth when she saw the blood filled sink and the red tissue pressed against the brunette's nose.

"Oh my, Katya, here, let me help you." Lily rushed back into the dorm and quickly returned with a tub of paste and her wand. "This may hurt a little." She pointed the wand at her nose and muttered episcy.

Katya felt the blood stop and her nose clear up slightly. Blood still laced her nose but the spell had stemmed the flow. She gave Lily a grateful smile and pulled the tissue off her nose.

"Just a nosebleed, it happens sometimes," she reassured Lily, who still had a slightly concerned look on her face, "I'm fine, just happened when I'm stressed."

Katya wiped away her tears with her sleeve and gave Lily another smile, promising her that she was fine. Which she was, she was constantly holding it together, her nose just happened to like falling apart.

Lily helped her wipe away the blood and put a little bit of Alice's paste on her nose, which apparently helped all sorts of injuries.

"You ought to get ready before the others wake up. Marlene takes her sweet time in the bathroom, you'll never get any time to do anything."


Katya followed Marlene, Lily and Alice down the marble steps into the Great Hall, listening to Alice explain how lessons worked. Marlene was persuading Lily to join the Quidditch team, which was according to Marlene 'the best game ever'. Lily strongly disagreed.

"Marls, if I fall off my broom– which I will, it'll be all your fault and Potter will be their and I can't bear to see his ugly face for an extra hour! You do realise when you are all at your Quidditch practice it's the only time I get to spend away from him?"

"Blah, blah, blah. Y'know Lils, I bet you like him. In fact, I think you love him and his stupid hair and his stupid broomstick." Marlene pretended she had glasses and walked ahead of Lily acting like James Potter.

"Ugh as if!"

The girls sat down in the middle of the Gryffindor table not too far from the so-called Marauders, who were talking loudly, mouths full.

Katya gave them a disgusted look as Peter, James and Sirius spoke with their mouths full. Though she had never been raised to eat formally, she had done anyway. Maybe it was something about being French.

"Timetables! Miss McKinnon, excellent score in Charms! Miss Evans, all 'O's as expected, Alice dear, you did splendid in Herbology." McGonagall handed out the timetables to the three girls but took a minute to find Katya's.

"Miss Duval, at the bottom you'll see the students who will tutor you for each subject, Muggle Studies has been left black since you probably know much more about the topic than the teacher themselves." She handed the girl a scroll of parchment and she checked the list underneath the timetable itself.

Charms - M. McKinnon

Transfiguration - S. Black

Herbology - A. Fortescue

Potions - L. Evans

DADA - J. Potter

Muggle Studies - N/A

Astronomy - S. Black

History Of Magic - L. Evans

"All the students have been informed about your tuition, and are happy to do it, don't feel guilty my dear."

"Hey look, I'm tutoring you for three subjects!" Lily exclaimed, glancing at her timetable.

"Oh no, you'll have to study with Black and Potter," Alice said. Marlene frowned and pointed at her own timetable.

"We have potions first thing! And I have done Slughorn's holiday homework, absolute bastard for making us study over the summer, NEWTs aren't until next year!"

"Marlene, for goodness sake, calm down! You're good at potions, and you'll get to sit next to Ms Dorcas Meadowes." Lily grinned and Alice sighed dreamily.

The blonde's cheeks flushed and she pursed her lips as she knocked over the coffee pot spilling all the way down the table. 

୨ৎ suki's note

short and (kinda) sweet  

possible updates for 'risk' & 'dear reader' today but no promises


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