00 ... nala's weird friends

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nalani, oscar, piper and austen were all on the beachfront, splashing in the salty sea water at the shore. they were jumping over the small waves, trying not to get their clothes wet but miserably failing.

"austen!" nalani screams as the brunette boy jumps into the water, spraying water all up her jean shorts and light pink hoodie. "you dickhead!"

piper's mouth goes agape, "my mom is gonna kill me!" she stands still with her shoulders raised as if the water was freezing cold.

"well, we are already soaking." oscar chuckles to the other boy, giving him the eagle eyes. in sync they immediately begin flaying their legs at the two blonde girls, getting the crystal blue water all over them.

they all begin kicking water at eachother, laughing at eachother hysterically so much their stomachs began to hurt.

during the summer, most of their nights consisted like this. they would meet up at the crack of dawn and cause chaos all day and then when it rolled around to nightime they would sit on the beach and make eachother laugh until they were forced to go home.

a boat starts to approach the four kids, causing them all to stop and look at it.

"it's a police boat, we should get out of here." oscar said, shaking his head back and forth and slowly retreating back to the dry sand.

nalani looks back at him, "we aren't doing anything wrong." they all follow him, though, back to the shore.

oscar was the only pogue out of the four friends and it was quite obvious. he had been trained to run from the cops, not be in the wrong place at the wrong time and always have a guard up.

they was trained that the police was on their side and that they were people who would protect them in a time of need. therefore, if they didn't do anything wrong then it wouldn't be a problem.

the boat stopped as they reached their bags, shoving all of their stuff into it.

"piper, austen, nalani and oscar." sheriff peterkin called out as she got off her boat, walking up the sand towards them. "am i suprised that you're here?"

they all slowly turn around to face the cop, looking at eachother for what to say.

"yes?" oscar replies, making all the other kids hold their breath.

if there was one person who shouldn't be taking to the cop it would be oscar. his big brother, jj, had not influenced him well.

she sighs, taking off her sunglasses and moving them to her head. "i spoke to your mothers, said you haven't been home all day and they are worried. they were just about to file a missing persons."

a glimmer of mischief appears in nalani and oscar's eyes as they both think the same thing.

oscar ran up to peterkin, wrapping his arms around his waist tightly. "you spoke to my mom?" he says sarcastically as nalani began to fake cry.

she wipes her tears, "oh my god, how did you find them?"

piper and austen look at eachother, trying to hold back their laughter at the scene.

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