I find out

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Hey reader! Finally starting this one right? XD Oh and I realize I forgot to add some of the basics in so here it is. You and Levi had been dating for 5 years. You are 28 now, Eren is 28 as well, and Levi is 31. Here's your fanfic!

Readers POV

I'm cooking breakfast for Levi before he gets up and goes to work. I'm making him bacon and eggs, his favorite combination. I hear a noise in the background and see Levi walking up to me.

"Good morning Levi." I say very smiley, looking at how hot he looks when he gets up in the morning.


What? He's usually very happy waking up in the morning. This behavior started a couple weeks ago.

"Are you ok Levi? You seem very tired today." I said very concerned something is up.

"Oh do I? I'm sorry my work moved the deadline up, AGAIN." He said not paying any attention to me.

"Oh ok. I hope you finish in time." I say with a smile on my face, but I'm obviously concerned.

"Yeah I've got to go. Sorry no time for breakfast."

"Oh ok. That's fine. I'll make you dinner when you get back."

He said "Thanks." as he walked out the door.

I wonder what that was about. Oh sweet I'm done with breakfast, I can eat now. Huh? What are these papers? Oh no! He forgot his papers for his project! I start to run outside when I see he has already left. I go back inside get my shoes on, grab my coat, and leave my apartment to drive to his work to give him his papers.

Le Drive Skip

I walk into his office building and tell the receptionist I need to see Levi.

"Sure. Go on up, his office number is 24 on floor 7."

"Thank you!"

I run into the elavator and go to floor 7. When I get out of the elevator, I walk up to his office door and open the door. I almost drop his papers when I see Levi "doing it" (This girl doesn't really like saying the word sex. But she's fine with swearing? Oh well.) with my best friend Petra. They don't seem to notice I'm there, so I shut the door and run out of the building. I get in my car and drive to what used to be our apartment crying. Why Levi, why?!?! What did I do to deserve this?! I manage to stop crying as I go into his apartment and start packing my things. I write a note and leave it on the kitchen table and leave the apartment. I drive to my Best Friend Eren's apartment and knock on his door. He opened the door when I loose my control on my crying.

"F/N? You ok?!" He asks me as I drop into his arms sobbing.

He picks me up and takes me inside and puts me on the couch. I keep crying till I can't cry anymore. When I stop crying Eren gets me a glass of water.

"You ok F/N?"

"-sniff- I just caught Levi cheating on me with Petra. -sniff-"

I start crying again somehow. The crying is short lived.

"I'll go get you ice cream and your favorite movie."

"Thank you so much Eren." He wraps you in a blanket then goes to get ice cream and the movie.

Eren and you are childhood friends. He's helped you get through all 3 of your breakups. He was the only guy you trusted after all 3 breakups ended because you caught them all cheating on you for no reason. He realized he liked you around when you broke up with the first guy. He was determined to do better. But you never started liking him, so he did the same things during your 2nd and 3rd breakup.

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now