Should I take him back?

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Hey reader! How'd you like your date? Time for the next chapter! Hope you like it!!!!

Reader POV

I wake up to the smell of an omelette cooking. Mmmm, omelettes. I crawl out of bed to get changed. I change into my C tank top and my jean shorts. I walk outside to see Eren cooking an omelette.

"Morning Eren."


He puts the omelette on 2 plate and brings it over to the table. He goes back into the kitchen and grabs silverware. He hands me my plate and a fork.

"Eat up." he says.

I take the plate from him.


He sits down and we start to eat.

Le Breakfast Skip

"What do you want to do today F/N?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. That's why I was asking you!"

We continue this for about 5 minutes.

"Alright, alright. Can we just watch a few movies?"

"Sure what movie?"

"Umm, ooh! How about (favorite movie)!"

"Ok. I'll put it in."

Eren puts in the movie while I get soda.

"What soda do you want Eren?"

"Umm, how about a coke?"


I grab a coke and my drink from the fridge and bring them over. We sit down on the couch and start the movie. Around halfway through the movie I hear frantic knocking on the door. I run up to the door and open it. I see Levi standing there panting.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Let me in F/N. I need you to help me."

"What?! No! After all you did to me?!" I start to cry. "You cheated on me, then ask me for help?!"

I hear Eren turn off the movie and walk up. He grabs my shoulders and puts me behind him.

"Eren? What's wrong?"

"Get out of here Levi."

"Just hear me out. Please."

"Fine. Come in. But once you're done, LEAVE."

"Alright. Thank you."

Levi comes in and takes his shoes off. Eren tows me to the kitchen table and sits me down. He sits down next to me and Levi sits across from us. Eren stares at him.


"I'm sorry for barging in." Levi looks sad.

"I don't care. Tell me why you're here."

I stay silent. I intend on staying quiet too.

"Petra did force me to cheat. She blackmailed me into screwing her."

Eren scoffs.

"I thought I already told you I didn't buy that."

"I'm telling you why I'm here. So shut up and listen."

"Fine. I'll shut up."

"The day after F/N left me, Petra knocked me out and tied me up to the bed. She gave me 3 rules. 1st rule was that, if I called her bitch or something like that, she would throw me in my room for 3 days and not feed me. I was tempted to break this rule because it's not that bad. Rule #2 was that if I went back to F/N, she would kill F/N. And the 3rd rule is that if I told anyone, she would kill the people I told."

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now