My date with Eren. Levi's forced to go out?

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Time for you and Eren's date! I'm terribly sorry I couldn't do this yesterday. I hope this chapter makes up for it!

Readers POV

I wake up and jump out of bed. I look at the clock and see it reads 7:45. It's time for me and Eren's date!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What should I wear to the amusement park? Is he taking me to the one with the water park in it? Of course he is Stupid. That's the only one here. I get my favorite bikini out and put it in my small backpack. Now what to wear forthe Roller Coasters and stuff like that. I know. I grab my jean shorts and a tank top. Perfect. I take my shirt off and get a bra out. I put the bra on then change into my outfit.

"This is going to be great!"

Oh fuck! Eren's still sleeping. I need to wake him up so we can leave at 8:30. But how to do it? I could wake him up with ice water. Maybe. I could tackle him. Maybe. I could scream at him. He might kill me if I tackled him or threw ice water on him. But screaming at him is boring. Ice water is safest out of the 2 fun ones, I'm going to wake him up that way. I go into his closet and get his bucket out. I then go to his freezer and grab the ice tray and dump all of the ice into the bucket. I fill up the bucket with cold water from the kitchen sink. I start to bring it to the bedroom and almost drop it. Woah! This fucker's heavy! I somehow manage to drag the bucket to the bedroom.


I pick up the bucket with all my might and throw the water and ice onto Eren. Poor Eren, should have gotten up before me. His eyes fly open and he jumps off of his bed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck?!?!?!"

He sees me standing there with the bucket and a crazy grin.

"F/N, I'm going to get you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Good thing I planned for this, and his bedroom door opens outward. I drop the bucket then run out the door. I close the door and shut it with a chair. I hear the door thud as Eren runs into it. Oops sorry Eren.

"F/N open the door."

I laugh like a crazy person.

"I can't, you'll catch me if you do!"

He sighs.

I might as well make him breakfast while he's locked in there. I hear water running in the bathroom. He must be taking a shower to warm himself up. I start to walk to the kitchen when I'm violently intterupted by cold water.


Cold!!! I turn around and see a drenched Eren smiling at me like a crazy person, bucket in hand.


"I gotcha first."

We both laugh at each other and our drenched clothes.

"I'm going to go make breakfast. Ok?" I say looking at his drenched shirt. I can see his muscle outline. EEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He goes back into his room and closes the door. I hear him close his bathroom door too. I've seen the way Eren changes and lately it's become sexy as hell. I tip-toe into his bathroom and peek into the keyhole and see Eren has his back to me. He takes off the shirt he was wearing to show his beautiful muscles. He turns around to show his perfect chest. He has a perfect body, perfect face (especially his eyes), and a perfect personality. Why is he so perfect?! He starts to take his shorts off and I know it's time to leave. I tip-toe back out of the bathroom and go to make breakfast.

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now