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So, here's the consumation chapter wanted by you guys! Consumation basically means having intercourse between the newlyweds. So, ALL of this chapter will be lemon. Thank you to all who voted, and I hope you enjoy!!!!!

Your POV

Eren and I arrive at the hotel after a delicious dinner at a restaurant. We go into the hotel room and put our stuff away. We plan on watching a movie.

"Hey, Eren. You ready for the movie?" I ask.

"Almost. Can you help me with this?" he replies.

I go into his room, stopping in my tracks once I see what's in front of me. Eren is shirtless, and he's walking closer to me.

Let the consumation start!

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. He lifts my chin up and kisses me. He pulls me closer to him. He carefully takes my pajama shirt off, then subtly takes my shorts off. Leaving me in my underwear. He lifts me up by my legs, still kissing me. He lays me down on the bed gently. He slowly kisses down my face until he reaches my neck.

"Ah.......Eren........." I moan.

He stops kissing my neck and comes back up to my face. He slides his tongue into my mouth and our tongues intwine. He slowly pulls my underwear off, then pull the rest of his clothes off as well. He stops kissing me for a second to grab something. He wets his fingers with lube, and puts them by my entrance.

"Ready?" Eren asks.

I nod, not able to talk. He slowly puts his fingers into me and I moan again. He puts his lips on mine again, once again intertwining out tongues. He slowly starts to pump.

"Ah........Eren.........Ah!!" I scream.

He pulls out his fingers, and positions himself at my entrance.

"Once agian, you ready?" Eren asks.

I nod again. He enters me, and I grab his back. My fingernails scratch his back slightly.

"Ah!!! Eren!!!" I scream.

His speed increases, and our bodies sync. He growls/groans slightly. The speed increases again.

"Ah!!!!! Ah!!!!" I scream.

"(F/N)....... You're tight. I'm cu-ngh!" Eren groans.

He blows his seed into me.

"AH!!!!" I moan.

The speed of his pumps increases again. He kisses me on my neck, sucking, pecking.

"AH!!! Eren!!! There!!! Goo-AH!!!!" I moan.

He pulls out of me, and lays next to me. After a few minutes of panting, he sits up.

"Ready for round 2?" he asks.

And I'll end it there. I'm sorry this is shorter than most other chapters, but I'm not very creating writing lemon, so yeah. So, use your imagination on round 2 XP I hope you enjoyed!!!! Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!!

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now