Epilogue - The Funeral

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I love making a liar out of myself. So, I said that the last chapter was the final and haven't updated this in, oh gee, two years? Well, I've got enough comments of "BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO LEVI" that I've decided to give a new epilogue. I even wrote sassy comments in reply to some of them... I'm sad (not really) that my effort was in vain! Meh, whatever. Also, my writing style has changed so much since I last wrote in this, but I do wonder how much some people will see. Let's go!

Please play the song, it's slow and sad (yes it's in Korean, but something tells me you'll still understand that it's sad)

Eren POV

Many people cried at (F/N)'s funeral. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't one of them. All of my tears had dried out when she first died. The kids, however, cried their eyes out. Lily took days off from school so she could cope, but all she'd done was be in her room. Eli, on the other hand, had helped a lot in the process. He was sad and, very clearly, much quieter. Still, he helped organize the funeral and send out invites.

"Everyone who knew (F/N) loved her," I said loudly to everyone around me. "She was who you could go to in times of struggle, always there to be a shoulder to cry on. Even when she was weak, she was strong and got through it. 'One more second,' she'd always tell me. She got through life so strongly and taken away so soon."

Lily's sob was so loud that I paused. Eli wrapped his arm around her and nodded to me to continue.

"I loved her with all my heart. Until my kids came along, then I loved all of them with all my heart. She helped me through so many things and trusted me to be there for her. I have had no greater honor than helping her when she was down. She was the most heartfelt person I've ever met. I wouldn't trade her love for anything in the world. I just hope she passed without regrets of any kind, and this hope is something I know to be fulfilled. (F/N) refused to regret anything, no matter how bad it was."

I didn't know how to continue, so I decided to finish. "I know that I'll never forget her as long as I live. Thank you."

I took one last look at (F/N)'s calm face before heading back to my seat. However, as I was heading to my seat, I saw a figure by a tree. The person looked horrible, black hair long and greasy. It's cut was so uneven that one could tell it hadn't been cut in years, but short enough that it had been cut sometime within 10 years. Despite his scraggy hair, his suit was in good condition. Clean and not a single wrinkle in sight. His hands lay limply by his side as he stared at (F/N)'s coffin. I didn't have to fake needing to step away, so I just kept walking and went towards him. When I got close, he broke his gaze from F/N's coffin and looked towards me. His steely eyes told me exactly who he was.


"Hey, Levi."

He didn't move from his spot, even when I got within arm's length of him. Seeing him in this state made me sad, even if he had hurt (F/N). That was decades ago, so all of my hate had died. His dead eyes just made my heart wrench because he was once a friend.

"How did you know the funeral was today?"

"I was sent a letter..." he said, his voice hoarse. It was still the very deep and husky voice that (F/N) had loved. I remembered her telling me about him, how she always mentioned his lovely voice. I smiled a little, the bittersweet feeling of remembering her digging into my heart.

"A letter? I lost contact with you. I didn't even know what your phone number is. How?"

"I was sent an old picture of (F/N) and I... It had my old info and my mail address on it... I though the handwriting was yours."

He dug the picture out of his pocket and held it out to me. I gingerly took it, knowing the picture was precious to him. The handwriting was very close to mine and that's when I knew how he got it. Eli must have found it in (F/N)'s address book.

"Oh. I see."

"Look, Eren, I'm so sorry that I didn't apologize to (F/N). I just couldn't face her after everything that happened. I heard about your wedding and sent a letter... But I don't even know if you received it."

I shook my head. "If we got it, (F/N) didn't tell me."

"I regret what I did... I wanted to tell her that and try to reconcile as an adult instead of as an immature 31 year old. When I finally got the courage... I got the letter. I was much too late."

I tap his shoulder and take a hair tie (because Lily has such long hair) from my pocket. I give it to him, earning me a funny look from him.

"Come see her one last time. She would want to be able to see your face."

He ties his hair back in a loose ponytail and looks back towards her open casket. He nods once. I rest a hand on his shoulder and guide him over. Some of the people know exactly who he his as we walk up to the casket, but some others have no clue. I take him up to it and tap his shoulder once before letting him say his goodbyes.

Levi POV

Her face was serene and beautiful, even in death. The only thought that I kept having was, Why oh why did I ever think that leaving was okay? I regretted it deep in my heart, knowing we could have worked through it. She was the most caring and forgiving person I've ever known, right there next to Eren. Tears fell from my eyes before I could stop them and my shoulders shook in silent tears.

"I'm so sorry, (F/N)..." I wipe the tears with the palm of my hand. "I'm so sorry I didn't come back."

I gripped the side of the coffin so hard that my hand started to hurt. But it felt like nothing in comparison to the swelling pain in my chest. Looking at her face just reminded me of what I abandoned in my confused state.

I could almost feel the soft caress of a hand on my cheek. Light as the wind, it was there.

It's okay, Levi, I could hear her sweet voice whisper. Just take better care of yourself.

The tears were falling hard. They dripped in the grass in front of me. When Eren pulled me back from the coffin because it was time to bury her, I looked at her face one last time.

"Goodbye," I whispered.

Goodbye, responded the wind.

Eren kept a tight grip on my shoulder as we watched her go underneath the dirt. As she was finally covered. People started leaving but we kept standing there. I looked at the dirt spot that weighed down my love. My one and only love that I had caused unimaginable pain to.

Love again, Levi.

"Levi..." Eren tightened his grip before loosening it back. "You can love again."

I bitterly smiled at the ground. "I'm sure we all can."

There. Happy? Great. Levi isn't dead, but he sure as hell isn't in good shape. So, Eren, being a good guy and stuff, forgave him and made sure to keep in contact. Levi got his shit back together (even through his midlife crisis, cause he would be in his fifties now). Reverted back to the handsome man everyone once knew and did manage to find love. It wasn't with a human, but a cute little puppy. Eren and your family's life continued, and nobody died alone. Yay!

If y'all are curious about me, I was thinking of putting out a Q&A, so ask whatever questions you want. Or don't, I don't have to put out a Q&A.

This marks the official end of this story, I'm never updating it again. For those who doubt me, fight me and I'll take you down. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and will check out my other stories! Byeeeeeeeeeee!

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