Levi and Eren

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Hey reader! I'm sorry I couldn't do this yesterday! I had to do my other fanfic. Hope this makes up for it! You get a dream for this chapter. You'll be concious in the next chapter. Hopefully. Hehehehehehe. After all, you were stabbed for crying out loud! Here's your dream! Enjoy!

Reader Dream

I find myself falling. I keep looking left and right. Eren and Levi are falling with me. Both are extending their hands, telling me to take their hand. I keep looking back and forth. Their far enough from me that I can't grab both hands. A voice ricochets off the walls, telling me to pick or both of them die. I scream at the voice.

"Why do I have to pick?!"

"Choose, my dear. Once you pick there's no going back. You and the one you pick will fly while the other keeps falling. If you don't choose soon you'll stop and they'll keep falling. Choose wisely."

The voice laughs at me.

I look back and forth between Eren and Levi. Who do I love more? Obviously I should choose Eren, because Levi cheated on me. But I still love Levi. I start to reach out when I stop falling. I look down and see I'm standing on an invisible platform. The two of them are staring up at me. I was too late. I drop to my knees and cry into my hands. The voice laughs.

"What did I tell you?"

"Why?! What did I do to deserve this?!?!"

The laugh starts getting louder and louder.

"You need to pick."

I black out.

There you go. That's your dream. Wierd isn't it. Tell me in the comments below who you should end up with. Please. It makes my life easier. Hope you liked the dream! Now for Levi's part!

Levi POV

I woke up on the couch in a cold sweat. I remember what happened yesterday. I start to cry into the pillow. F/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't want that to happen. Will you ever forgive me? I ball up when I hear a door open. I relax and look up. I see Petra standing there grinning at me.

"What's up Levi?"

I start to scream. I grab my head and ball up again.

"Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away."

I keep muttering that to myself.


I get pulled up by my shirt collar.

"Look at me!"


I start to fight back. Petra finally lets go of my shirt with one hand and slaps me with it.

"Look at me!!"

I look at her and see it's not even Petra. I stare at Eren and look around. Petra is no where to be seen. The front door is still locked and bolted. There's even a chain to lock the door. If Petra was in here then left, the chain wouldn't still be chained. Would it?

"What's wrong with you?"

He let's go of my shirt collar and I drop. It was just a hallucination. Calm down Levi. Just calm down.

"Oi. Answer me Levi."

"I'm fine."

"There's no way in hell I'm believing that. What's wrong?"

"Why do you care?"

"F/N still cares about you. If you die then she'll cry. I won't let her cry. If you go crazy she'll cry. Tell me what's wrong."

Levi x Reader x Eren(Cheater!)Where stories live. Discover now