Happy Family

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Here's the second to last chapter. Not much intro here. Enjoy!!!

Your POV

I cradle Lily. It's already been 4 months since she's been born. Lily giggles at me, and stares up at me with her big teal eyes. Her (H/C) only a little long, tucked under her baby hat. Then my son, Eliott, Eli for short, runs up to me and hugs my leg. His (E/C) stare up at me; and I ruffle his brown hair. He looks exactly like a combination of Eren and I. They both do.

If your name is Lily, then change your baby's name to Skylar, Sky for short.

"Mommy! What's for breakfast today?" Eli asks.

I shrug.

"Ask your father. He's cooking." I reply with a smile.

Eli gives me a huge grin, and runs into the kitchen. I hear something hit the floor, so I go check it out. Eren is covered head to toe with flour, and Eli has a huge grin.

"Eli.....Why?" Eren complains.

"Never let your guard down, daddy!!" Eli replies with a smile.

Eren smiles at Eli.

"Well, same to you!!" Eren screams, chasing Eli around the kitchen.

Eren and Eli giggle as they run around the kitchen. I laugh at the scene in front of me. Eren caught Eli, and is giving him a huge hug, covering Eli in flour. The two boys laugh at each other.

"Alright you two. Go clean up. I'll make breakfast today. I'll just put Lily in her crib for her nap." I say.

I walk to Eli and Lily's room. I put Lily down in her crib, then leave the room, shutting the door behind me. As soon as I take one step away from the door, I'm hit with a bucket of water. I fight the urge to scream, because Lily's sleeping. I look up and see the boys, still covered in flour, standing there with an empty bucket.

"You guys........I told you to clean up." I tell them, putting my scary motherly aura on.

They cower and run to the bathroom. I shake some of the water off, then walk into the kitchen. I smile while I make omlets. Eren is still the man I married. Even after four years of marriage and two kids. He's STILL the same old Eren. And it seems Eli picked up his pranking habit. I hear the shower turn on, and the shower door close.

Le Cooking Skip

Eli, Eren, and I sit down at the table and dig in.

"Mmm!! It's so good mommy!" Eli screams, but I quickly respond.

"Thank you, Eli. But you need to be quiet so Lily can sleep." I reply.

"Oh! Right......Thanks for helping me remember, mommy." Eli says, still enthusiastically, even though he's quieter.

I smile again, and Eren laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You guys are just so cute." Eren replies.

I blush, while Eli giggles. I hear crying in the other room, so I get up. Lily is awake, and she's hungry. I bring her out to the table and feed her my milk in a bottle. Eli walks up to me, and stares at Lily.

"Do you want to hold her, Eli?" I ask.

He looks surprised but nods.

"Of course I do!" he replies.

"Go to the couch and I'll let you hold her." I say.

Eren chuckles, and gets up with me. Eli runs to the couch and jumps onto it. He sits down with his legs open. I put Lily down in his lap and he hugs her.

"Now, hold her head up, Eli. Baby's are fragile, so their heads must always be held high, ok?" I say.

Eli nods and makes sure to keep Lily's head up. Eren taps my shoulder, and I see he set up our timed camera. I smile at him, and we grab our kids. Eren grabs Lily, and I grab Eli. We sit together and we all smile. The camera flashes taking the picture. Eli crawls off me, and Eren gives Eli Lily back. Eren and I get up and see the picture. It looks so full of sunshine it should be impossible. I smile at Eren and he smiles at me.

"I don't want this moment to end." I tell him in a quiet voice.

"But then how will we make better memories?" Eren asks, mocking me.

I punch him lightly.

"Ok, fine. I want more moments like this. Better?" I say.

Eren snakes his hand around my waist.

"Better." he says pulling me close.

He kisses me sweetly. He pulls away and looks me straight in the eyes.

"Don't EVER stop smiling. Ok, (F/N)?" Eren says.

I hug him.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I reply.

And that signals the end of this chapter!! I hope you enjoyed the fluff!!!! Thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

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