The Mark of Obedience

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King Henry's expression softened slightly, and he took a step towards Princess Avalyn. "You're afraid, aren't you? You're afraid of what I might do to you," he said, his voice almost gentle.

Princess Avalyn, her strength nearly spent, stood tall and met King Henry's gaze without flinching. "No, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor in her heart. "I will not submit."

But King Henry was far from finished with her. He glared down at her, his eyes seething with fury. "Would you dare defy me again? Would you follow my commands?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger.

Princess Avalyn stood her ground, her heart racing with defiance. She understood his request all too well, and the weight of it sent a chill down her spine. "I won't give in easily," she replied, her voice steady despite the fear swirling within her. "You might think I'll comply, but I won't be your pawn, my lord."

King Henry's brow furrowed, his impatience boiling over. "You'll do anything I say?" he snapped, his voice laced with frustration. "Why can't you just accept it?"

Princess Avalyn felt a growing sense of uncertainty as she contemplated King Henry's request. Despite her desire to stand firm, a deep-seated pressure weighed on her, leaving her with the troubling realization that she had little choice but to submit to his demands. Reluctantly, she resolved to obey him, her heart heavy with resignation.

"Fine then! Yes, I will do anything. I promise," Princess Avalyn spoke, her voice steady despite the weight of her concerns, understanding that he was committed to his act.

Henry's smile was cold and cruel. "Then prove it," he said, stepping back and crossing his arms. "Show me that you are willing to obey."

Henry's eyes gleamed with a cruel satisfaction as he watched Avalyn kneel before him, her spirit seemingly broken. "Very well," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You will prove your loyalty to me."

He gestured to one of the guards standing nearby. "Bring the branding iron," he commanded, his tone cold and unyielding.

Avalyn's heart sank as she watched the guard disappear into the shadows, only to return moments later with a glowing iron rod. The heat radiated from it, and she could feel the searing pain it would bring even before it touched her skin.

Henry stepped closer, his eyes never leaving hers. "This mark will signify your obedience," he said, his voice low and menacing. "It will remind you of your place and your promise to serve me."

Avalyn's breath caught in her throat, but she forced herself to remain still. She knew that any sign of resistance would only make things worse. "Yes, my lord," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Henry's smile widened, and he took the branding iron from the guard. "Hold her," he ordered, and two guards stepped forward, gripping Avalyn's arms tightly.

As the iron approached her skin, Avalyn closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain. The searing heat bit into her flesh, and she couldn't suppress a scream. The agony was unbearable, but she clung to the thought of her parents, using it to anchor herself.

When it was over, Henry stepped back, admiring his handiwork. "You belong to me now," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction. "Remember that."

Avalyn, tears streaming down her face, nodded weakly. "Yes, my lord," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Henry's expression softened slightly, but the cruelty in his eyes remained. "Good," he said. "Now, rise and follow me. Your training has only just begun."

As Avalyn struggled to her feet, she felt a flicker of hope. She had survived this ordeal, and she would continue to endure. She would find a way to escape, to find her parents, and to reclaim her freedom. But for now, she would play the part of the obedient prisoner, biding her time until the moment was right.

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