Escapes Tyrant's Clutches

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Henry's breath catches in his throat as he stands there, mesmerized by the sight before him. The soft glow of the moonlight gently illuminates her face, casting a delicate shadow across her features. With a trembling hand, he reaches out, his fingertips lightly grazing her cheek. He can feel the warmth of her skin, and a surge of emotions washes over him, leaving him spellbound.

Avalyn looks at him with a mix of surprise and fear, "What are you doing?"

Henry's voice is a whisper, "You said you would do anything I say, right?"

"Yes, my lord, I did," Avalyn nodded her head. 

Henry leans in even closer, his breath warm against her skin, "Then, I want you to close your eyes."

Avalyn's heart is pounding against her chest, its rapid beats reverberating in her ears. She tightly clenches her fists, feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Despite the overwhelming urge to open her eyes, she resolutely keeps them shut, each second feeling like an eternity as she braces herself for what comes next.

Henry's voice is soft, and his breath is now just inches from her face, "You can open them now."

Avalyn slowly opens her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. The soft light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. As she takes a deep breath, the events of the previous night come rushing back to her, filling her with a sense of both nervousness and anxiousness.

Henry was now standing even closer, his face just inches away from hers. His intense gaze felt like it was piercing right through her, and she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin.

"This is going too far, my lord," she said anxiously, her voice trembling.

"Too far? I haven't even started yet. I could do much worse," Henry whispered, his voice a menacing hiss. Henry's voice dropped even lower, barely a whisper. "I want you to call me by a different name." He paused, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Call me... Master."

Avalyn's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing. She knew that refusing him would only bring more pain, but the thought of submitting to his demand filled her with dread. "Please, my lord," she began, her voice shaking.

Henry's eyes narrowed, and he leaned in even closer, his lips almost brushing her ear. "Say it," he commanded, his voice cold and unyielding. "Call me Master, or you will regret it."

Avalyn swallowed hard, her body trembling. She knew she had no choice. "Yes, Master," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Henry's eyes widen, and he smiles, "You just said it without hesitation. I'm impressed," Henry's smile widened, a look of satisfaction in his eyes. "Good," he said, stepping back. "You are learning. But remember, this is only the beginning. You will obey me in all things, or you will suffer the consequences."

"Your Majesty, I understand that I must obey you in all things," she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. 

Henry's eyes widen, and he smiles, "Good. I'm glad you understand your place. Now, I have one more thing for you to do."

"Yes, my lord," her voice trembled in fear. 

 Henry's voice is a whisper, "Close your eyes. And don't open them until I tell you to."

"Why do you keep making me close my eyes, my lord?" she interrupted him.

Henry's gaze sharpens as he firmly grasps her chin once more. "Just do it. No need for questions," he commands. 

Avalyn slowly closes her eyes, her lashes softly brushing against her cheeks as she seeks refuge in the darkness behind her eyelids.

Henry's voice is a whisper, "Good girl. Now, I want you to stay like this. And don't move."

Avalyn then took this chance to escape him. Feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins, she summoned all her strength and pushed him hard, creating enough distance between them. With her heart racing, she swiftly made her way towards the main gate, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridor as she sought freedom from the menacing presence behind her.

Henry is taken by surprise, and he stumbles back. He watches as she runs towards the main gate, his face twisting in anger, "Get back here!"

Avalyn's heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted through the dense forest, the sound of her quick footsteps echoing off the castle. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she pushed herself to go faster, the urgency of her escape lending her legs an almost superhuman strength. The branches in the garden clawed at her arms and face as she ran, but she dared not slow down or look back, knowing that her pursuers were close behind.

Henry and his guards chase after her, his footsteps echoing through the castle, "Don't you dare run from me! You're mine, do you hear me?"

Avalyn's heart pounded in her chest as she kept running, the sound of his calls fading into the distance. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she finally reached the imposing main gate, its iron bars looming before her. With a surge of adrenaline, she pushed it open, the cold metal biting into her palms as she stepped outside into the cool night air.

Henry stares after her, his face twisted in anger. He clenches his fists, and he screams out, "You'll pay for this! I'll find you, and when I do, you'll wish you had never left!"

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