
5 1 0

I have written at least 68 chapters of mama's boy. I see some books with like 2 chapters of 5 and that's it.

And that as a written aggravates me. It really really annoys me because with books you need to commit to it. Start and finish. Take breaks but if your gonna start something and try to make art, writing is an art and art won't be finished with 2 brush strokes.

It takes time and effort and COMMITMENT. If your not commited to the book your writing is it really a good idea. If you write it and don't publish that's different but publishing it means you hope at least a few people will read it.

When I published mine I wanted to write it to the end no matter what. I was expecting 10 readers max. I'm just lucky I have 104K of you guys (speaking of which thanks so much guys means alot ♡)

Commit and follow through.
Happy writing ✍️
Much love ❤
Mama bean xx

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