Chapter 41

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A/N: Friendly reminder that I don't know anything over the legal system. This section of the book and future chapters linked to this section are all fake. Everything is made up and I'm 100% clueless over courts, trials and laws. I'm merely writing what fits into the storyline itself and that's it. 

So, don't expect like an dramatized court case in future chapters. It's always going to be kept simple and however I chose for it to be like. 





Keith had got the trial in motion as soon as his shift had finished after speaking with Pidge. Leaving everyone to rush for time of work just three days later. Due to getting three Crown Alpha's involved with this case, the courts wanted to rush the court date as soon as possible. To try and stop any risks of an Crown Alpha leading Trial from being linked and gaining attention from all over the world. 

Keith felt bad over not being able to give his friend's much warning over the trial date but thankfully those that were coming were able to get the needed time off. Their stay at an hotel was being covered by the court themselves, and they were expected to take three days for the trial.

Those that would be entering the court room would be forced to sign confidentiality legal forms. And it would mostly be very few allowed inside. Only those actual needed.  

So much was about to happen with very little time for any of them to think over what was about to happen. 

"I thought this was meant to be a siblings get away?" Keith blurted out from where he sat in the back of Lance's car with Shiro. Lance behind the wheel and Pidge in the passenger seat, a satnav turned on and being used as their guide to the city they needed to reach by twelve pm.

"Matthew's anxiety has flared up. He won't be able to join us but Lance offered to take his place instead" Pidge simply explained as she nodded towards a wide awake and chipper Lance driving them along with no complaint so far. Even with the change being very last minute, Lance phoned the school and got his own bag packed before seven am. Was in the car by eight am and picking all up by eight-thirty am to be on the road for the city on time. 

"Was Romelle okay with you leaving her for three days? Can she care for the twins by herself?" Shiro asked with worry as he couldn't even picturing leaving Adam with a few months old twins during their early days of being parents. Shiro loves his daughters greatly but they were always fussy, a handful and had Colic once they hit three month's old. The baby years were not fun for him nor Adam and they questioned over wanting children plenty of times when dealing with their newborn daughters. 

"I've returned to work recently. She's been handling them during the day alone just fine. I've mostly been a mess without being home with the kids. Romelle is a natural with the twins. They aren't that fussy with her. But Shay and Hunk have promised to be on call if she needs help. Shay and Hunk are also going to take turns sleeping over on our couch while I'm away so Romelle's not alone with the kids full time. As well as Hunk willing to take the twins to work with him and put them in his office at the garage if Romelle needs a few hours alone" Lance mumbled back with an small but friendly smile, eyes sheepish as he knew he'd be more of a mess away from his family than Romelle or the boys would be. Pointing out that Hunk and Shay were willing to help with the boys if needed and staying over at night so Romelle wasn't completely alone 24/7.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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