Imagine for @KeeksY25

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"Hey Tay why are you so down" I ask seeing my sister Taylor come in as she was coming over for dinner.

"Oh it's nothing it's just something stupid don't worry about it" she replies forcing a fake smile

"Taylor we're sisters I can tell something is bugging you so what is it" I ask starting to get a bit concerned

"You know how I'm about to start my new tour for Eras" she said making me nod

"Management is making me go to the dentist before I'm allowed to start cause I'm extremely behind, and us being sisters I know you already know how terrified I am of dentists" she replied

Hearing her say that made me extremely sympathetic, she didn't know this yet but my boyfriend Niall was a dentist and I've been hiding this from her due to the fact she's terrified of them and has been ever since we were little kids. I didn't want to make her hate him due to his career...

"If you want I can take you to my dentist, that way you won't have to be alone and you know it's someone trustworthy" I say

"Wait you'd really do that" she asks

"Of course, we're sisters I'd do anything for you,  we can go now" I reply

We go out to my car and I drive over to my boyfriend's dental clinic, Taylor had no idea what she was about to find out but I kept it quiet till we got to the office. We got out of the car and went inside and I said hi to the receptionist

"He's in the back you can go straight on back" the receptionist said with a smile

"Thanks" I reply walking to the back with Taylor right behind me

We walked through the doors with Niall's name on them but I don't think Taylor noticed until we got into the exam room Niall was in

"Hey Kristyn, hi Taylor how's it going" Niall said with a soft smile

"Hey Ni, Taylor's management needs her to get a dental checkup before the eras tour I thought this would be the best place to take her" I said

"Oh absolutely, come on over and take a seat" Niall said with a soft smile

"Wait what" Taylor asked mildly panicked but even more confused

"Tay why don't you go sit in the chair for him" I said softly nudging her towards the big chair in the middle of the room

"I don't know about this" she whimpers hesitantly

"Tay Niall is a fully licensed dentist your in great hands I know you're scared but seeing someone you know should make this a lot easier on you" I say

By the look she was giving me I could tell she was mad at me for keeping this a secret from her but I just didn't want to make her fear any worse.

"I don't have anything here that can hurt you Taylor, I just want to take a quick look at your teeth and assure you have no cavities" Niall said with a soft smile trying to encourage her

She went over and sat on the chair and Niall laid it back and put the light on before grabbing his mask and gloves and putting them on

"Alright can you open big for me" Niall said grabbing his mirror and explorer from his tray

Taylor looked at me making me give her an encouraging smile and a nod letting her know she was ok and that she was safe. She opened her mouth letting Niall look at her teeth. I saw his explorer get stuck quite a few times which let me know exactly what that meant. Niall took his tools out letting her close her mouth as he pulled his mask onto his chin

"Alright so you do have 10 cavities" Niall said making Taylor's face drop

"TEN?!" She yelled

"Shh it's alright but yes you have 10, and your wisdom teeth are also in, because you will need all this done before you go on your tour as well as the fact I have you here now and your obviously quite afraid I think we should go ahead and do this now and just get it all over with" Niall suggested

"Your going to fill 10 cavities and pull 4 teeth right now" she asked nearly in tears

"Tay if he didn't think this is what's best for you he wouldn't be suggesting it, he knows what he's doing it would be so much easier on you if you let him" I said softly

"Fine" she sighs giving up

"Thanks Taylor, I'm going to put you on some laughing gas that way it can keep you calm" Niall said putting the mask on her nose having her take some deep breaths

Once she was calm enough Niall got to numbing her and fixing her cavities and then pulling her wisdom teeth. It was a lengthy procedure but eventually he finished everything he needed to do and let her sit back up in the chair

"How are you feeling" Niall asked making her give him a thumbs up due to still being extremely numb

He gave her post op instructions before helping me get her back into the car, I brought her back to our place so that she wouldn't be alone and she could start recovering and processing all that had just happened. That was a long day but at least now she'll be able to go on tour which is something I know she really enjoys

A/N: Thank you for my first imagine!!!! I can already tell writing this book is gonna be so much funnn!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

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