Imagine for @KeeksY25

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The day of Taylor's wedding was nothing short of magical. I stood beside her, my heart swelling with pride as she prepared to walk down the aisle. Her dress shimmered in the soft light and I could see the happiness radiating from her. But beneath my smile, I felt a swirl of nerves and excitement.  I hadn't told anyone yet, not even my sister, who was also my doctor. As her matron of honour, I was determined to support Taylor through her big day, even as my own secret grew heavier. For weeks I'd been feeling off, when I finally took that pregnancy test the unmistakable result left me breathless.

Niall and I had talked about starting a family, but I hadn't expected it to happen so soon. The thrill of the news was intoxicating, yet I decided to wait until after the wedding to share it with Taylor. I wanted the moment to be perfect, free from the added stress. As I adjust d Taylor's veil she looked at me and smiled

"Are you okay Kristyn, you've seem a little distant lately" she asked

"I'm fine, just nervous for you" I reply forcing a smile

"Don't be, this is our day, just remember to breathe and enjoy every second" she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement

The ceremony was breathtaking, Taylor and Travis exchanged vows, and as they kissed I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I glanced over at Niall who gave me a reassuring smile. He knew my secret but had agreed to keep it under wraps until after the festivities

Later, during my speech, I could barely contain my excitement. As I raised my glass, I cleared my throat

"To my sister, the beautiful bride, and her wonderful husband" I paused, my heart racing

"And in the spirit of new beginnings... Niall and I are expecting a baby, welcome to your aunty era sis" I blurt out as gasps filled the room.

Taylor's reaction was priceless, she stood there, mouth agape before launching herself at me embracing a hug

"What?! Are you serious" she asks

I nodded laughter and tears mingling as she squeezed me tightly

"I didn't want to steal your thunder" I say

"Steal my thunder? This is incredible! You have to let me be your doctor through everything" she exclaimed, her face glowing with excitement

The following months were a whirlwind of preparations. I found myself wrapped in the joy of our pregnancy, and Taylor was equally invested. During one of our checkups she grinned at the ultrasound screen

"Can you believe you're halfway there? Any feelings about the gender" she asked

Niall leaned in with excitement bubbling over

"We're hoping for a girl, right Kristyn" he says

"Definitely" I said, glancing at Taylor

"What about you, any bets" I ask

"Oh I'll bet it's a girl too, I need a niece" she laughed

When the ultrasound revealed we were indeed having a girl, Taylor's excitement was infectious.

As the months slipped by, I started to feel the weight of labor looming ahead. It was a night like any other when the first signs of labor began. I took a deep breath, trying not to alarm Taylor and ho was still juggling her own busy schedule. But as the contractions intensified, the need to tell her grew stronger.

I called her just after midnight

"Taylor, I think it's time" I say stuttering

"Are you sure" she asked, her voice a mix of concern and excitement

"I can come over right now" she adds

"Yes, but I want to labor at home for a bit first, i don't want to rush into this" I say

"Okay I'm on the way just keep me updated I'm just a few minutes away" she assured me

When Taylor arrived her professional demeanour slipped away as she focused solely on me

"Kristyn, you look beautiful, even in labor, let's just breathe through this" she said, her voice soothing

"Easy for you to say" I replied trying to laugh but biting my lip as another contraction hit.

"Just remember the breathing techniques we practiced, you're doing amazing" she reminded me squeezing my hand

After a few hours, we decided it was time to head to the hospital so went and headed over there.

"Let's get you settled" Taylor said, leading the way

Niall held my hand tightly, his presence grounding me. Once we arrived we were ushered into a room quickly. The hospital lights were harsh, but Taylor's calm demeanour made everything feel more manageable.

"You're almost there Kristyn, just focus on your breath" she encouraged

As the hours stretched on, I felt both exhaustion and determination. At 3am on my due date, the urge to push washed over me

"It's time" I gasped, gripping Niall's hand

"Okay, you've got this" Taylor said, her eyes locked on mine, filled with encouragement

"Just follow your body" she added

I pushed with everything I had, and the minutes felt like hours. Finally after what felt like an eternity, I heard the sweetest sound, the first cries of our baby girl. Tears streamed down my face as I held her for the first time.

Niall's hands shook as he cut the umbilical cord and I could see the awe in his eyes

"Kaylyn Rose Horan" we whispered together, marvelling at our beautiful daughter

Taylor wiped away her own tears, stepping back to let us bond

"You did it Kristyn, she's perfect" she said, her voice thick with emotion

"Thank you Tay, I couldn't have done this without you" I replied, looking at my sister who had been both my support and my doctor

"We're going to have so many adventures, Kaylyn, you have a wonderful family" Taylor said, her heart full

In that moment, surrounded by love and the warmth of new beginnings, I felt complete. The journey ahead was daunting, but I knew we'd navigate it together - bound by love and the shared joy of our growing family.

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