Imagine for @KeeksY25

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"It's almost showtime! I can't believe we are finally here " I say turning to my husband Niall

"You've waited a long time for this, she's going to be so surprised" Niall said with a warm smile

You see, today we were doing something really big! It's been 6 whole years since I've last seen my sister Taylor. I recently got married to my husband Niall and had to go through residency and I finally got my green card! Me and my sister were extremely close so it was very difficult for me to be away from her for this long but she was opening up a major tour in Australia today and we thought we could go surprise her and watch her show, she has absolutely no clue we're here, she's going to be so surprised, I was so excited.

Me and Niall look at each other in anticipation before swinging the door open to the dressing room where Taylor was doing finishing touches making her immediately turn around and drop what she was doing

"Surprise" I laugh seeing the look of disbelief on her face

"What?! Kristyn, Niall your here" she said running over immediately giving us hugs

"We couldn't miss your big opening night" I say immediately seeing she was extremely touched and tearing up

"This is amazing, you guys are the best" she says

We talked for a bit but it came time for me and Niall to find our seats. The auditorium is alive with tears as Taylor takes the stage. Me and Niall stand in the front row as Taylor sang her heart out as the crowd went nuts. The concert was going amazing until suddenly a loud crack echoes through the venue on the last song, I immediately noticed Taylor stumble back as at put her hand up to her mouth but continued to preform and finish the song

"Did she just hit her mouth" I ask concerned making Niall give a sad nod

"We need to go check on her" Niall said immediately making me agree as we make our way through the crowd to get back backstage

Taylor walked off the stage looking shaken as we ran to her as she was touching her mouth gingerly

"Taylor are you ok" I say immediately making her force a smile but immediately wince from the pain

"I think I chipped a tooth, just my luck" she sighs

"You know Tay I can take a look for you, it'll be quick I promise" Niall said knowing how scared she was of the dentist even though he was one making her eyes immediately widen in panic

"No way I can't go to the dentist" she said immediately backing up

"Tay how about I go first, just watch me, it's not scary at all" I say knowing my 6 month checkup was coming up  anyways

She hesitated a little bit with uncertainty flickering in her eyes until she finally agreed. We called around and found a dental clinic that was willing to let us use a room and headed over there. The dental room was bright and sterile, I went over and sat in the chair as Taylor stood by the door with her arms crossed tightly looking around at all the equipment

"Just a quick cleaning Kristyn you got this" Niall encouraged knowing the sounds can be unpleasant

As he begins the whirring of the tools fill the room, I fidget a little bit making Taylor watch with a mix of concern and anxiety.

"Uh oh looks like you've got 6 cavities" Niall said sympathetically

"I guess I haven't been flossing enough" I gulp

"Don't worry I'll fix them for you and you'll be all good as new" he said encouragingly

Taylor stands and watches still really skeptical and anxious. Niall finished my fillings pretty quickly and soon enough me and Taylor switched places, I could see her panicking as she sat down.

"I can't do this" I whimper

I moved closer to her taking her hand into mine as I sat on the spare stool in the room

"Yes you can, I'm right here, just breath" I say softly

She takes a deep breath gripping onto my hand tightly as Niall prepares his tools

"Think about how you rocked that stage out there and this will be done in no time" Niall said with a soft smile as he got his mask and gloves on

Taylor nods as she tries to channel that same energy as Niall gently examines her tooth before taking his tools out

"What if it hurts" Taylor whispers

"It won't Taylor, you're stronger then you think, just focus on my voice, you've got this" I say softly

With determination Taylor shut her eyes making Niall immediately start getting to work. He went as quickly and as efficiently as he could to make this easier on her before he finally took his tools out

"All done, you did great" Niall said proudly

Taylor opened her eyes looking extremely surprised

"Wait it's over? Just like that" she asks making me give her a big smile

"You faced your fear Tay I'm so proud of you" I say making her laugh with the look of relief and joy on her face

From the dental office we went and walked through a vibrant market filled with lots of colours and sounds. We stopped at many booths and stalls and took the next few days exploring Australia as Taylor was off and we had lots of fun and laughs passed along. We would go to the beach sit on the sand and watch the waves roll in and watch the sunset, it was beautiful.

"I really missed this sis" Taylor said

"Me too, this trip has been everything I hoped for and more" I replied

As the sun dipped below the horizon we walked along the shoreline, ready for more adventures and cherishing every moment of sisterhood

Taylor Swift doctor/dentist imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now