Imagine for @pxttersvoid (imagine 1)

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"Hi I'm looking to talk to Taylor please" the lady on the phone said

"Speaking" I reply

"Hi Taylor this is Dr Kloss's office how are you doing today" she asked

"I'm ok how are you" I reply kinda confused on why there calling me

"I'm good thanks, Dr Kloss just wanted me to give you a call as she did realize when you came in for your physical the other day she did forget to update your vaccination records so she was wondering when you may be able to come back in and get those vaccines done" she said making me freeze

"Oh um I mean can I say never" I ask hesitantly

"Never isn't really an option, we do however have today at 2pm does that work for you" she asked

"I guess" I reply

"Perfect we'll see you then" she said before hanging up

As soon as I got off the phone I felt extremely overwhelmed and panicked. Needles were something I was deathly afraid of, none of the times I've ever had to get shots went well. I immediately called my mom as I was freaking out and she was the only person that could make me feel better right now

"Hey Tay what's up" my mom said answering the phone

"Mom" I reply pretty much bawling

"Woah hun calm down what happened" she asked sympathetically

I explained the situation that was going on in between my breaths and she did what she could to help calm me down as best she could and encourage me to still go to the appointment. Soon enough it was unfortunately time for me to leave, I was not ready at all I already knew this was not going to be a fun experience for me. I went to my car and drove to my doctor's office while trying to focus on my breathing as much as possible. I got there way sooner than I wanted too and nervously went inside up to the reception desk.

"Hi Dr Kloss's office it's Taylor right" the receptionist asked with a warm smile sensing I was nervous

"Y yes" I reply hesitantly

"You can head on back to room 2 she'll be in with you in a moment" the lady smiled making me nervously smile and head on back to the exam room.

My doctor was my friend Karlie and although I knew her it didn't make having to get shots any easier. Shortly after she came into the room trying to hide the tray she brought in with her

"Alright Tay so I know these are not going to be easy for you but i hope you understand why we've still got to do them" Karlie said giving me a sympathetic look

"Karlie I hate needles I don't know if I can do this" I say hesitantly as she came and placed the tray behind me on the table

"I can go really quick if you let me we're going to do 4 in total so 2 in each arm" she said as she rolled my sleeve up making me immediately jump off the table and corner the room

"Come on Taylor we can do these fast but I need you to come cooperate with me" she said sympathetically

"Karlie you don't get it I can't" I cry

"Do you want to come explain why your so scared or want me to get people to hold you down" Karlie asked making me shake my head

"Come take a seat Tay" she sighed seeing me try to back up in the corner more but I wouldn't budge

She came over dragging me back over to the table and pushed me down so I was laying on it

"We'll do these fast" she said rolling up one of my short legs and quickly wiping off one of my legs off instead

"No i can't" I whine as I start trying to squirm away

"Quick pinches" Karlie warned before stabbing the first needle into my leg making me burst into tears

"I know sorry" she sighed taking it out and poking the next one in

She did the same for the other two in my other thigh finally putting bandaids on and letting me sit up and calm myself down. She had me follow her breathing to try and help me calm down as my breathing got extremely fast and shaky.

"I I'm sorry" I say nervous that she was a bit mad at how I acted

"You don't have to apologize you know, I get your scared that wasn't easy, hopefully it will get easier for you eventually but till then we will do what we have to do to get this done

Taylor Swift doctor/dentist imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now