Imagine for @FantasyLover4Eva123

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I sat on the edge of my bed, clutching my stuffed bear tightly. The walls around me, decorated with bright posters of my favourite bands and glittering fairy lights, felt like they were closing in. I had been sick for a few days and Selena had mentioned taking me to the doctor today and just the thought of it filled me with swirling anxiety.

My sister Selena peeked her head in, her smile fading when she saw my expression

"Hey Lexie, how are you holding up" she asked cautiously making me shrug overwhelmed

"I don't want to go" I finally admitted, my voice small and shaky

Selena knelt beside me, her eyes filled with concern

"I know it's scary but Taylor is really nice, she just wants to help you feel better" she said softly

"What if it hurts" I asked, my stomach twisting at the thought of needles

Selena took a deep breath, her brow furrowing slightly.

"If Taylor decides you need any shots it'll be just a little pinch, I promise. Your one of the bravest kids I know, you can do this" she says

I wanted to believe her but the image of needles loomed large in my mind. My sister picked me up and carried me to the car driving to the doctor's office her best friend owned. When we arrived and went inside Taylor was already in the waiting room, her smile seemed to light up the room

"Hey Lexie, how are you feeling today" she asked

I glanced at Selena and then back at Taylor, a mix of apprehension and curiosity bubbling inside me

"I'm ok" I mumbled

Taylor knelt down to my level, her expression kind and inviting

"I know doctors can be scary sometimes, but I'm here to help you. We're just going to do a quick checkup to make sure you're on the way to feeling better" Taylor said softly

"But what if I don't want to" I protested, clutching my bear tighter

"That's ok, it's normal to feel scared but I promise we'll make it as quick and easy as possible, and you know what? I'll even let you pick the first song we listen to while we're doing it" Taylor reassured

"Really" hope sparked within me at the thought of music

"Absolutely, you can choose anything" she replied, her eyes bright with enthusiasm

Selena smiled, her presence like a comforting anchor

"You've got this Lexie, we'll make this fun" Taylor encouraged

Taking a deep breath, I felt a flicker of courage ignite inside me

"Okay" I finally said, surprising myself

"But can I pick a really happy song" I ask

"Of course, happy songs only" Taylor beamed

As we walked into the clinic room my heart pounded but I felt a little lighter. The room was painted a soft blue with colourful pictures of animals and health tips on the walls. Each image seemed to cheer me on reminding me that I wasn't alone

"Can we listen to Shake It Off" I blurted out, a smile creeping onto my face

"Great choice" Taylor said, quickly connecting her phone to the speaker.

As the upbeat tune filled the room I began to let the music slither my nerves

"See we're having fun already" Selena said, her voice bright

Taylor Swift doctor/dentist imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now