Imagine for @pxttersvoid (imagine 2)

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"But I don't wanna see the doctor mommy" I whimper as we walk into a big building

"Oh honey it's going to be ok, you need to get a checkup for you to start kindergarten you want to go to school and learn and make friends don't you" my mom asked softly

"Y yes" I whimper

"Well in order to do that we need to make sure your healthy so you don't make all your new friends sick" she said walking me up to a desk

"Hi welcome to the medical clinic do you have an appointment today" the lady at the desk said with a soft smile

"Hi, yes my daughter Maddie has an appointment at 1pm with Dr.Swift" my mom said making the lady start typing

"Perfect you can go ahead and take a seat and she'll be right with you" the lady responds

My mom took me to go sit in the waiting room and I pretty much clung to her, I was terrified. We saw a little boy coming out with his mom giggling and my mom looked down at me

"See Mads he's finished and is all happy that's a good sign isn't it" my mom asked as a lady came out from the back

"Maddie Jones" she called out making me whimper

"Your ok Maddie let's go" my mom said taking my hand and pretty much dragging me over to the lady

"Hi Maddie, I'm Dr.Swift but you can just call me Taylor, it's nice to meet you" she says softly giving me a soft smile

"Nice to meet you too" I say shyly hiding behind my mom

She took me and my mom to the back where she checked my height and weight before bringing us back to an exam room

"Alright Maddie can you come take a seat up on the table for me" Taylor said softly trying not to scare me

I nervously look up at my mom and she gave me a encouraging smile before picking me up and sitting me on the table

"You've got this brave girl" my mom cooed

"We're just going to start off really easy and take your temperature princess" Taylor said softly before gently placing her thermometer in my ear

She took it out a minute later and looked at it before placing it away again and grabbing something off the wall

"Alright honey so this is my hug machine it's going to give your arm a really tight hug for me" she said before placing it around my arm and grabbing the thing around her neck sticking it in her ears

"W what's that" I ask nervously

"These are my special earphones, they help me listen to different parts of your body that I can't hear well from out here" she said as she placed it under the thing she just put on my arm

"Alright honey this is going to get really tight but it's just like a really tight hug" she warned before squeezing a ball thing that was attached to it

It started getting tighter making me a little nervous making me look over at my mom

"I know baby your doing so good" my mom said as Taylor took the thing off my arm and rubbed the end of what she had in her ears

"I'm just going to take a quick listen to your heart and lungs sweetheart" she said softly before placing it on my chest

She listened to my heart for a bit before moving on and putting it on my back

"Can you take some deep breaths for me" she asked making me oblige before she took it off and put it back around her neck

"Your doing great honey" she said encouragingly as she grabbed something else

"I'm just going to take a quick look in your ears" she said sticking her tool in my ear making me immediately move away whimpering

"I'm sorry honey is it hurting you" Taylor asked sympathetically

"I I don't like it" I whimper

"Baby she needs to make sure you have no ouchies in your ears, can you stay still and let her look, it won't take long" my mom said encouragingly

"Mmm ok mommy" I whimper

"Thanks honey" my mom replied as Taylor put her tool back in my ear

She checked both my ears before taking it out and changing the tip on her tool grabbing what looked like a popsicle stick

"Can you open your mouth for me princess" Taylor asked softly

I opened my mouth and she looked down my throat before taking her tools out and letting me close my mouth again

"Alright honey so I'm going to check your reflexes and then have you lay down for me alright" Taylor said with a sympathetic smile

I nodded allowing her to check my reflexes before she put her rubber hammer away

"Ok lay on back hun" she said rubbing her hands together

I laid down and she lifted my shirt up to reveal my tummy

"My hands may be a little cold but I've tried to warm them up a little bit for you" she said softly before pressing on my stomach making me wince

"I'm sorry honey am I hurting you" she asked sympathetically making me shake my head

"Just bare with me a little longer almost done" she said before finishing with that

"Alright sweetheart one more thing ok" she said pulling me to the end of the bed

"Mommy" I whimper recognizing what was going on

"Your ok babe" she said coming over and taking my hands into hers

"Alright honey your going to have to show me how still and brave you can be, do you think you can do that" Taylor asked softly

"Y yeah" I reply nervously

"Awesome, your going to feel two little scratches I'll try to do this as fast as I can, your doing great so far" she said softly as she wiped both my legs off and standing right up against them, I'm guessing so I wouldn't kick her

"Quick pinch princess" Taylor said softly before poking the needle into my leg making me cry out

"I know honey I'm sorry" she said sympathetically as she pushed the medicine in taking it out

"One more sweetheart" she said before poking the next one in

She pushed the medicine in taking that one out too and sticking bandaids on my legs then helping me sit up

"You did so well princess, your all finished good job" Taylor said encouragingly as she grabbed a lollipop and pack of stickers from her desk handing them to me

"Thank you" I say jumping off the table

I was very happy to be done and to be going home

Taylor Swift doctor/dentist imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now