Imagine just because

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I sat on the floor of my room, surrounded by my favourite trucks. Each one was a different colour, I had built an entire city with blocks and toy roads. I was deep in my imaginary world when my mom poked her head in

"Austin sweetie, it's time to get ready, we have to go get your yearly physical and get you caught up on some vaccines" she said with a bright smile

"NO" I shouted, my heart racing

My trucks crashed together as I scrambled to my feet

"I don't want to go to the doctor, they always poke me" I cry

"Austin honey, it's just a checkup, you'll be fine" my mom said, her voice sounding soothing

I could feel the tears pricking my eyes, I didn't want to leave my trucks. I wanted to stay in my room where everything was fun and safe

"But what if they poke me too much, what if it hurts" I wailed

My mom shook her head and gently ushered me out of my room. I tried to resist but she was strong and soon enough we were in the car, driving to the doctor's office. The waiting room was full of kids, some were playing with toys where others were sitting with their parents looking bored. I clung to my mom's hand feeling small and scared. What if they didn't let me play with my trucks after my shots? What if everything changed? Just then the door swung open and in walked Taylor. Taylor was my big sister, she was a famous singer, and now apparently a doctor too... She wore her doctor coat and I felt a mix of excitement and fear as she walked over with a soft smile on her face

"Hey Austin" she called bending down to give me a hug

"What's going on bud" she asked seeing the fear in my eyes

"I don't wanna get poked" I shouted, tears spilling down my face

"You're a doctor now, what if your not my sister anymore" I cried

Taylor knelt in front of me, her eyes soft and understanding

"Austin I'll always be your sister, being a doctor just means I can help you stay healthy, it doesn't change our fine times together" she said

"But what if it hurts" I whispered, looking up at her with big scared eyes

"It might sting a little, but I promise I'll be right there with you the whole time, can you trust me" she asked, her voice gentle but firm

I nodded slowly, not completely convinced but wanting to believe her

"Great, come on back, let's get started" she said standing up and taking my hand

I looked back at my mom who gave me an encouraging smile. I took a deep breath trying to feel brave. Taylor led me to the examination room, the room smelled like antiseptic and there were colourful posters on the walls.

"First we'll check your height and weight" Taylor said pulling out a measuring tape

"Ok" I mumbled trying to be brave

"Let's see how tall you are" she said cheerfully as I stood straight so she could measure me

"Yay I'm getting taller" I giggled, my fears fading a bit

"Yep, you're growing big and strong Austin" she said as she wrote something down on her clipboard and I felt proud

She motioned up to the table making me climb up swinging my legs

"Now let's check your temperature" she said, pulling out a digital thermometer

"Just place this under your tongue for a few seconds alright" she said making me nod

Taylor Swift doctor/dentist imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now