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I rub my eyes aggressively, as if trying to rub the dark circles from under my eyes. God damnit. Another restless night and next to no sleep all because I couldn't shake the feeling of her around me in every way possible. I'm this tired and I chose to come here, why?

I stare up at the neon purple sign buzzing above heads of college aged kids nervously waiting. "Le Broyeuses" it reads. Literally french for "the grinders."

A loud knock is planted on my window three times, making me jump. "Cmon bud!" I hear Noah's voice call.

I look over to see my best friend but I gasp in shock. "What the fuck..." I whisper to myself as I open my door and stand up. "Did you cut your fucking hair?" I ask as I pull him into a headlock and examine his head, pulling at his now medium length hair as he struggles to free himself. "Noah!" I smack his head and let him go.

Noah immediately smacks my shoulder and scolds me. "I told you I did this!" He growls to which I furrow my eyebrows, not remembering it.

I look at Junia who shrugs. "I remember him telling you over the phone. He did it two days ago." She explains, giving me a friendly squeeze on the arm.

I give her a soft smile and nod. "I should start paying attention." I exhale quickly in a humored way and bring my right hand up to scratch the back of my head.

"Well, with what's been going on? I don't expect you to remember that... or even fully be yourself." Noah explains as he pats my back, pushing me toward the bouncer.

"Yeah, thanks, but I'd like to be back to normal." I laugh nervously to which he pushes me harder and scoffs.

"Noah!" The bouncer yells, holding his hand out. His name tag reads 'Vincent.' Vincent's, generously, 5'8" but more muscular than I ever could be.

Noah's face lights up as he slaps his hand into Vincent's, a crisp pop coming from it as they pull each other in and pat each others backs. "What's up Vin?" Noah smiles, peeking at the door behind the bouncer.

"Nothing much, man. Go on in." The buff man explains, moving out of our way.

Noah practically sprints into the club, getting a confused look out of both me and Junia as we follow.

"What the fuck?" I hear a person yell out from the line of people waiting to get in.

"Do you have a-" Vincent's voice faded out as the doors closed and the music took over.

"How'd you do that?" Junia asks, looking up at Noah with her eyebrows lowered and an unimpressed lip bite.

Noah goes to speak then stops himself and clears his throat before running off. Junia gives me a side eye as her confused face turns into one of worry and chases after him. Oh, great. Now I'm on my own? Thanks, guys!

I head over to the bar, sitting on a barstool that consists of four black metal prongs and a wood tablet on top of them. Don't forget the stick between two of the prongs that's passed off as a foot rest.

One of the bartenders comes walking over, giving me a smile. "What can I get for ya?" She asks, her purple hair falling over her shoulders as she leans on the counter in front of me. Her smudged eyeliner makes her green eyes stand out even more against her tan skin.

"Uhhh." I begin, quickly trying to think of a drink. "Jack and Coke, please."

The woman nods, standing back up and flipping her straight hair behind her shoulders. I'm able to catch a glimpse of her name tag before she turns away. Jacqueline. Yeah, she looks like a Jacqueline.

I look around the smoky room while colored lights flash around, blinding me every three and a half seconds. I scan the area for any sign of Noah and Junia but see no one resembling them. I audibly groan, throwing my forehead into the space between my pointer finger and thumb.

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