Chap. 12 - Days 74 (Part 3) - Redeployment

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—By the Emperor!

My euphoric shout was joined by the rest of my men. We did it. We had resisted long enough. He didn't know how or why the reinforcements had arrived, but this was not the time to ask questions. It was time to join the counteroffensive.

The earth shook, and our gazes turned towards our backs. Our hearts leaped with euphoria, as the horizon behind us was filled with the millions of soldiers from the main forces that had reached the front. Suddenly, thousands of boots replaced our efforts, leaving us behind to join the Emperor's angels in battle. They came... I thought we wouldn't make it... But we did.


Crosta's voice quickly caught my attention, and I turned to the captain who was moving briskly towards my position, with Henry, Erik, and many others at her back. As soon as they arrived, they threw him into our improvised trench next to us, because although the front had been moved towards the Black Templar formations, a shot without a trajectory could give us unnecessary death.

"I'm glad to see you, Captain." And you guys too.

—I say the same, commissioner. —Young Henry's voice could not be contained.

—Greetings for later, soldier. Commissar. Where is the rest?

—Murphy should be further south, and Mason further north. Colonel Tiaron is several kilometers north of our position, but we lost contact with them when the repeater was destroyed.

—Medium range signals should be operational. Several radio teams wait in the rear.

—Good to hear. Preston, contact the other groups immediately.

—Yes, commissioner.

The young operator began to manipulate the controls of his radio, while various frequencies expelled that heartbreaking static. However, within a few seconds, a voice was heard from the other side of the device.

—Sector 12 speaking. Does anyone receive me?

—Good to hear it again, soldier.

—Crosta? Where are they? Is he with Harrus?

"I'm here, captain." Meet us at the center front.

-Understood. We're on our way. We have a lot of injuries, so it will take us a while.

-Understood. We are waiting for you here.

—Mason frequency found. —Preston commented when he finished fiddling with the device.

-Received. Put it to speech. —And seconds, and I hear the beep indicating that the frequency channel has been established. -Mason. Do you hear me?

-Commissar? —His voice sounded quite worried. —It's actually you.

—In flesh and blood. How is the situation regarding your position?

—It could be worse... If it hadn't been for Krieg's men we wouldn't have been able to hold out.

—I'm glad to hear it again. Come back to us.

—On the way, commissioner.

—Preston. Any luck with Colonel Tairon's frequency?

-Yes sir. I have the frequency online. But it seems to be interrupted.

—The colonel must surely be receiving orders from above. We will have to wait. Captain Crosta, take the reserves and go to the front. Look for any Astarte or member of the Astra Militarun who appears to be in charge and ask for instructions. We will reach them shortly.

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