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If Beca an Jesse were to realize that, Maybe just Maybe, they could sit down and talk- everything would be okay. But they don't. Instead they glare at each other, both holding their ground as they yell at each. Yelling about who should do this. Or who should do that.

At some point, their fight hits rock bottom. Jesse says something that's unforgivable. Unforgettable rather.

"God Beca- can't you just see? Im tired Beca- I can't do this anymore! It's time for me to leave!"

Beca freezes. Jesse promised he'd never leave. Ever. No matter what. But yet, there he stood. Threatening to leave- stating he was gonna leave. Leave the house, leave their relationship behind- leave a Jesse sized hole in her heart.

"Fine! Go! I don't need you! I don't need anyone! Im fine by myself! The way I was before I met you"

Beca yelled at Jesse. Boy did she yell. She was hurt- she couldn't believe he'd do this to her. Leaving Jesse there, Beca stormed off. Surprisingly Jssse didn't leave. He slept on the couch knowing Beca wouldn't let him into the bedroom.

Jesse knew what he said was wrong. It was just the heat of the moment. He hoped beca would give him the benefit of the doubt to explain. He hoped she wouldnt force him to leave. He hoped their relationship wouldn't be over. Jesse couldn't be without beca. She was it. She was the one. He knew ever since the day she gave him that awkward smile when he serenaded her from his parents car on move in day. So maybe not literally the moment he laid his eyes on her but he did know after the bellas first win.

She serenaded him this time- she kissed him first. She let her walls down. And when he saw how beautiful she was without her wall, he knew she was the one. Whenever she cried- and she swore she was an ugly crier- she was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. She was beautiful to him all the time- Yes, but it something about how vulnerable she could be that just made her so much more beautiful. Gorgeous, stunning. All those things. That's the only way Jesse could describe her.

He could hear her sobbing, then her sniffling. Then nothing. She had fallen asleep, in a cold, lonely bed. Even if she was busy all day and Night, she at least was able to share a bed with him. But not tonight. Beca knew he hadn't left. She never heard the door- and their door was loud but even though it hurt her, hearing him say that, she know he'd never leave. It was just something she knew, deep down inside of her. Knowing that made it all worth it honestly, but it still hurt nonetheless.

Whether Jesse and Beca make up was something to be determined but whether or not they would still love each other was something definite- even if they get divorced or break up. Even if one of them were to God Forbid, die. Their love would never end. Their love was forever. Even if forever does have an ending, their love Sure didn't.

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