"i love it when you can still smell your boyfriends colon on you :)"
"Got a new colon flavor today "
"i love the smell of my brothers colon :)) "
"my clothes smell like colon ^_^"
"I smell like usher colon. Lol. it smells sooooo good."
"My hands smell like colon"
"Love the smell of men colon mmm ☺"
"The smell of your colon is in the air"
"I love it when a hot guy passes by me and leave his colon smell [="
"the smell of my dads colon >>>>>>>>>>"
I think y'all mean cologne as in men's perfume not something in your body or a punctuation mark.

Dumb Tweets
RandomSo this will just be a collection of tweets that people have posted that are not the smartest. I don't know if this is something that you guys are interested in so comment and let me know if you like it and if you have any tweets or posts from anywh...