The start of meeting the family.

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Eclipse's POV

When I open my eyes again, something feels off. I notice my tail is wrapped around another, unfamiliar tail. I glance around and see two boys I don’t recognize. Before I can process anything, I hear a familiar voice—Sun’s.

"Apollo, Luno, what did I say about waking up Eclipse?" Sun walks over, scooping up the two boys, who look like toddlers.

"But Uncle, I wanted to play with my new cousin!" Luno says, waving his hands excitedly, his tail wagging back and forth. His excitement over seeing me is evident, though I have no idea why. ‘Wait... cousin? Does that mean he’s Moon’s kid?’

Before I can even wrap my head around it, I hear another voice.

"Sorry, Uncle. I lost track of them for a second." The figure speaking looks like a blend of Moon and Mangle. ‘Who is this?’

"It’s fine, Vesper. Now take Luno and get everyone ready to meet him." Sun hands Luno to Vesper, still holding Apollo in his arms. As they leave, Apollo looks back at me.

"Hi, Eclipse! I’m your big brother, Apollo. Can you say that?" Apollo says cheerfully. ‘Wait, I have a brother? Since when?’

Before I can even begin to question it, Sun sets Apollo down and picks me up with his wire tail.

"Okay, Apollo, go join your sisters. They’ll be so happy to meet their new brother," Sun says, his tone gentle.

Apollo leaves the room, and my thoughts spiral. ‘Sisters? How do I even have siblings? I was dead... and why is Sun being so kind to me? He killed me. Why does he care so much now?’ My mind swirls with confusion, but Sun is already taking me to the bathroom to get me ready for, apparently, meeting everyone.


Sun's POV

I hold my precious baby in my hands. My sons, daughters, and nephews are all here, ready to meet him. The family is complete. Soon, he’ll join the rest of the kids and become a part of the troop. I just hope he finds his place among us.


Moon's POV

Mangle and I gather everyone together. Mangle’s siblings, Foxy and Roxanne, are already here, gifts in hand. I’ve only caught a brief glimpse of my new nephew, but I’m overjoyed that he’s okay. Still, I can’t help but worry, as any uncle would—concerned for my nephew’s health, for what lies ahead.

"Are you okay, dear?" Mangle’s voice breaks my thoughts. My beloved wife, the one I’ve had my children with. We adopted Lunar, yes, but we’ve had two of our own. I wouldn’t trade any of my children for the world.

"Yes, love, just a bit anxious," I admit as she smiles at me, kissing me softly. Then, she heads off to get all the kids ready—not just ours, but Sun’s as well. We all wait eagerly for the doors to open, ready to meet the newest member of our family

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