lunar wants to know the truth.

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Lunar POV

"I'm telling you, Bloodmoon, I have no idea how he could've gotten out of the playpen. I made sure to check the sides. How did Eclipse escape?" I say, sitting on my bed, frustrated. I keep replaying it in my head, trying to figure out what I missed.

Bloodmoon places a hand on my shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Maybe the playpen was open just a little," he suggests, trying to make sense of it.

It’s a reasonable explanation, but I know the playpen was fully closed. I checked it thoroughly. So how did Eclipse get out?

What if it was open? No... I remember checking it. I double-checked so I wouldn’t get in trouble if Eclipse somehow got out. So how in the animatronic gods did he manage it?’ I think to myself, still confused. Bloodmoon holds my hand, trying to comfort me, but none of it makes sense. I know what I saw.

Then I remember—there are cameras in the daycare. They’re used to monitor everything, make sure nothing’s stolen, and no kids end up in the wrong hands. Maybe the cameras caught what happened and how Eclipse managed to escape the playpen.

"I need to find Michael and Vanessa. They can check the cameras, figure out what happened," I say, getting up quickly. But before I leave, I pause, go back to Bloodmoon, and kiss him on the forehead. Then I rush out of the room.

As I hurry toward the elevator to head up to the engineering room, I spot Moon standing near the doors.

“Oh hey, Moon. Weren’t you and Mangle supposed to have a date night?” I ask, confused by his presence. I try to move past him, but he blocks the elevator door.

"Lunar, we need to talk. Listen, I know you’re a good kid, and I want to trust you, but you’re really bad at keeping your cousins out of trouble. First it was Apollo, and now Eclipse. I believe you have talent, but please, for the love of the islands, can you just take some lessons from Solar, Lucy, or Vesper?" Moon says, looking at me with a mix of concern and frustration. He’s trying to help, even if it sounds harsh.

"I know, and I’ll do better. But I know I didn’t leave the door open." I try to defend myself, but I can see the doubt in Moon’s eyes. It’s understandable. Eclipse isn’t even a year old yet, just a few months. How could he have gotten out of the playpen by himself?

“Look, I want to believe you didn’t make a mistake, but how could Eclipse escape? He’s just a baby. His tail can barely grab anything. I want to trust you, but without proof, it’s hard. Just... be careful, okay?” Moon says, his voice softening. He leans down, pressing his forehead to mine in a gesture of affection. I return the gesture, smiling slightly as he finally walks away to check on Luno.

I smile for a moment, but I still want to prove I’m innocent. Determined, I step into the elevator and head off to find Michael or Vanessa.


Eclipse POV

I sit quietly in what I guess is my room, pulling out some paper and starting to sketch blueprints for the star—the one that could give me back my old body. But when I hear footsteps approaching, I quickly hide the blueprints under the dresser and sit down, pretending nothing’s out of place.

The door opens, and Apollo walks in, followed closely by Luno.

“Hi, Eclipse! Do you want to play?” Apollo asks with a big smile, sitting down in front of me. Luno settles next to him, both of them looking at me with eager eyes, ready for fun.

They carefully pick me up, and I decide to go along with them, letting them take me out of the room to play.

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