Chapter 9

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Rumi (13th century):
"Love is the bridge between the lips and the soul
It is the fire that burns and never fades"

Mubarak sat alone in his darkened house, the silence was deafening. The shadows on the walls seemed to whisper memories of his beloved wife, Safina. It had been a four years since she left him, yet the ache in his chest remained raw. He thought time would heal his wounds, but the pain only seemed to intensify with each passing day. his mind went to the days they spend together.

Safina gazed at the sky with admiration in her eyes, Jaan, do you ever feel like we're living in a dream? Like, everything is so perfect, it can't be real."

Mubarak smiled and teared his gaze from her face and looked at the sky with her. The sky is a blend of purple and pink as the sun was getting ready to settle down. "I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I'm walking on air, like nothing can bring me down. And it's all because of you."

"Oh, you're such a romantic!" She Said, chuckling and fixed her gaze on his as he spoke. He too her hands in his and gaze it a gentle squeeze. "Only with you, my love. You make me see the beauty in everything."

"You do the same for me, Mubarak. You make me feel seen and heard in ways no one else ever has." She looked at him with adoration with a heart full of love.

"That's because we're meant to be, love. We're two pieces of the same puzzle."He said softly.

"I love that. I love us." She said with a smile

"I love us too, Safina. More than words can say."

A call came through from his phone which took him out of his oneirism. He ignored it at first as he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, he just wants to be left alone with his thoughts. He already had a bad day today.

The phone rang again and he took it from the bedside table, when he saw the caller, his heart eased and his lips involuntarily curled up to a small smile. He picked it up and placed it on his earlobe.


"Assalamu alaikum, Mubarak! How are you, my love? I feel like it's been ages since we last spoke. Is everything okay?"

Mubarak's face lit up as he heard his mother's warm greeting. A wave of comfort washed over him, and he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He smiled, feeling a sense of peace settle in.

  "Wa alaikum salam, Umma. I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Just been really busy with work projects." He said, feeling guilty. He promised to visit them this week and it has been quite hectic that it slipped his mind.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you visit like I promised I will. But I'll make it up to you. I'll come visit you and Abba the day after tomorrow. Can't wait to see you both!"

"Mubarak, I'm so proud of you for working hard. But don't forget about your family, okay? We miss you! I'll make your favorite dish for lunch when you come over. See you soon!"

"in Shaa Allah Umma, Thank you so much." he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. As they chatted, he leaned back in his chair, feeling the tension in his body ease.

His thoughts drifted to the day he saw Haniyyerh gasping for breath at the roadside, he kept wondering what would have happened had he not arrived their ontime. He got so scared and frightened, what if he came and found her unconscious?

And the look she gave him, she was surprised to see him there and thankful as well. But he couldn't erase that in his mind. He heaved a sigh and lay down, and as usual, there wasn't an ounce of sleep in his eyes and for the first time, he spend the whole night basking in thoughts of her apart from his late wife, Safina.

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