Chapter 3

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4th July, 2024
4 years later....

The wound is the place where the light enters you.- Rumi

Bright blue skies, warm sunshine, and a gentle breeze. The streets come alive with laughter and chatter, filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

Haniya went to and fro in the restaurant she worked in, taking orders from table to table and bringing their orders to them. It was almost late and she took off her Apron as she heaved a sigh and rested her head on the wall.

As she clocked out and began gathering her things, preparing to call it a day, "Ouff!!  I'm so exhausted!" She whined out to her friend, Mariya.  Her shift was over and  she got ready to go home.

Her boss Mr Abdallah suddenly appeared beside her with urgency in his voice. "Haniyyah, I need you to stay a bit longer. We've got a special table coming in They're VIPs, and I want to make sure they get top-notch service." He gestured discreetly towards the entrance, where the most beautiful black cars had just pulled up. "They're important clients, and I want to make a good impression. Can you take care of them for me?'

He pleaded. Because she has been on her foot since morning and it's time for her shift to be over, and he can't trust anyone but her. Since she started working for him 4 years back, her dedication and hardwork always make him proud to have her.

With a sigh, she nodded and put her bag back down, her plans for a quick exit foiled. "Thank you so much Haniyyah" He said and left.

She pasted on a bright smile, heaved a sigh and headed back out onto the floor, ready to put on a show for the 'high-priority newcomers.'

The three men sat in the restaurant, turning heads with their striking presence. Their strong perfumes wafted in the whole restaurant and by seeing them, you'd know that they were indeed influential people. Eligible bachelors and they screamed Excellence and Opulence. They sat at the far end of the restaurant and talked amongst themselves as they scanned the Menu.

One had a fair complexion with a strong jawline and deep brown eyes. Another had a dark brown skin with a chiseled features and a charming smile. But the third man was truly breathtaking, with  olive-toned skin. His chiseled good looks, piercing deep black eyes, and a captivating charm left a lasting impression. His trimmed beard, handsome features and confident demeanor made him stand out. When she looked at him, she felt a hint of recognition on his face, but she shook her head as she approached them.

She smiled warmly and greeted them, keeping her head low. "Good evening Gentlemen, what can I get for you?" She asked in a professional manner. She took their orders and left them. most of the things they asked weren't available on the menu, so she told them that it might take some time to prepare it for them and they were just okay with it.

She delivered their food after an hour, her gaze met with the handsomest and they shared a fleeting moment of recognition. He furrowed his brow, trying to place where he'd seen her before, but it eluded him. She, too, felt a spark of familiarity, but couldn't quite pinpoint it. Their eyes locked for a brief second, a silent understanding passing between them. Then, they both looked away, the moment broken. He returned to his conversation with his friends.

As they dug into their meals, they couldn't help but praised how tasty the food was. The flavors danced on their taste buds, and the presentation was almost too beautiful to disturb. Almost.

"Wow, this is incredible"the fair- skin one, who she heard the other one call him Salim exclaimed, savoring a bite of his grilled salmon.

'The chef really outdid herself for real," the olive-toned one agreed, she heard them calling him AbdulMajeed, his eyes closed in rapture as he enjoyed his pasta dish.

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