Chapter 15: The Waters Break (Emma's POV)

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The morning light spilled through the curtains, casting warm rays across my bedroom. I lay there, enveloped in a haze of exhaustion and anxiety, my body heavy with the weight of impending motherhood. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that the air was charged with an unsettling energy. But the realization didn't hit me until I felt it—a sudden warmth spreading beneath me.

My eyes flew open, and a jolt of panic surged through me. No, not yet!

I shifted in bed, and the warmth intensified, a trickle escaping my body. "Oh no," I gasped, my heart racing as the realization dawned on me. My water had broken.

The room spun as adrenaline kicked in. I scrambled out of bed, the sheets tangling around my legs. "I need to call someone," I murmured to myself, but my mind was racing, thoughts colliding in a chaotic storm.

What was I supposed to do? I had read all the books, attended the classes, but nothing could prepare me for the moment when everything turned real. Panic clawed at my throat as I rushed to the bathroom, my thoughts flitting back to Evelyn and her ever-watchful eyes. What if she shows up?

I took a deep breath, splashing cool water on my face to steady my nerves. I could do this; I had to focus. I reached for my phone, fingers trembling as I dialed my doctor's number.

"Hello?" I said, my voice a mix of urgency and fear.

"Emma? Is everything okay?" the nurse asked, her tone professional but concerned.

"My water just broke," I replied, the reality of my situation crashing down on me. "What do I do?"

"Stay calm. Are you having any contractions?"

I paused, closing my eyes as I focused on my body. A low cramp pulsed through my abdomen, and I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Yes, I think so."

"Alright, you need to head to the hospital. I'll inform the doctor, and they'll be ready for you."

I hung up, a wave of nausea washing over me. I can do this. I can do this.

After a quick shower, I dressed in comfortable clothes, every movement feeling like an uphill battle against the gravity of my worries. I glanced at the clock—time was slipping away. The contractions were becoming more frequent, a rhythmic tightening that stole my breath away.

"Okay, Emma, just breathe," I whispered to myself, pacing the small space of my living room. "You've got this."

As I stepped outside, the fresh air hit me like a wave of clarity, but my heart raced at the thought of Evelyn. Would she know? Would she try to come over? I shook my head, trying to push the thought aside as I made my way to the car.

I fumbled with the keys, hands shaking as I struggled to unlock the door. Each contraction felt like a reminder of my impending reality, and I could hear Evelyn's voice echoing in my mind, weaving its way into my thoughts.

"Emma, you need me. You can't do this alone."

"No," I whispered fiercely, shaking my head as if I could physically shake her away. "I can do this. I have to do this."

Finally managing to unlock the car, I slid into the driver's seat and took a moment to gather myself. As I turned the key in the ignition, a sense of determination surged through me. I'm going to be a mother. I can do this, no matter what.

The drive to the hospital felt surreal. The world outside was a blur, lights flashing by as my mind raced. What if something goes wrong? I couldn't allow those thoughts to consume me. I focused on the road, breathing through the contractions that now came in waves.

As I pulled into the hospital parking lot, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and dread. I took a deep breath, the cool air filling my lungs as I stepped out of the car. The building loomed before me, a sterile and intimidating structure that promised both hope and fear.

I walked through the automatic doors, the scent of antiseptic filling the air. Nurses bustled around, and I felt the familiar sensation of being an outsider looking in. I approached the front desk, my heart pounding.

"Hi, I'm Emma. My water just broke," I said, my voice steady despite the nerves that threatened to rise.

The receptionist smiled warmly and waved a nurse over. "We'll get you checked in right away."

As I followed the nurse down the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if Evelyn's presence loomed over me, a shadow I couldn't escape. I looked around, half-expecting to see her lurking in the corners, waiting for the perfect moment to intrude.

"Emma, are you alright?" The nurse's voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I nodded, forcing a smile.

"Yes, just a little nervous."

"Completely normal. Let's get you settled, okay?" She guided me into a room, and I took a deep breath, the sterile smell hitting me like a wave.

"Here we are," the nurse said, helping me into a gown. "You're going to be just fine. The doctor will be in shortly."

As I lay back on the bed, I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the moment. The world around me faded, and all I could think about was the life growing inside me, the twins waiting to make their entrance into the world. I had to believe that I could do this—that I was strong enough to face whatever came next.

But even as I repeated those mantras in my mind, the shadows of doubt lingered, and I couldn't shake the feeling that Evelyn was still watching, still waiting for her moment to pounce.

Suddenly, a thought struck me: What if she tried to get into the room? What if she forced her way into my life at the very moment I needed to protect my children?

A shiver ran down my spine, and I opened my eyes, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. I was determined to keep my babies safe, even from the haunting specter of a woman who had consumed my thoughts for far too long.

The door opened, and the doctor walked in, breaking the tension that had enveloped me. "Emma, let's see how you're doing," she said, her smile comforting.

But as the doctor approached, I couldn't help but feel that the darkness was still there, lurking just outside the walls, waiting for its chance to break through.

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