Chapter 17: Shadows of the Past (Emma's POV)

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The cries of my newborn daughters filled the room, mingling with the beeping machines and the bustling nurses. As I cradled them in my arms, I felt an overwhelming wave of love wash over me. They were here, safe and sound, and I couldn't help but marvel at their tiny features, their delicate fingers grasping at the air.

But even in this moment of joy, a creeping chill settled in the back of my mind. I took a deep breath, attempting to push away the thought of Evelyn, but her presence loomed like a dark cloud hovering just above.

You can't keep them from me.

The phrase echoed in my head, a haunting reminder of the obsession that had consumed me for so long. I glanced around the room, half-expecting to see her standing in the corner, watching with those piercing eyes that had both fascinated and terrified me.

"Mommy's here," I whispered to my girls, trying to shake off the feeling of dread. "You're safe with me."

As the nurses worked efficiently around me, I felt a sense of normalcy returning, but every time I closed my eyes, I could see Evelyn's face in my mind, a sinister smile creeping across her lips. I fought to banish her from my thoughts, but it was like trying to push away a shadow.

"Everything looks good," one of the nurses said, checking the monitors. "You're doing great, Emma."

"Thank you," I replied, forcing a smile even though the anxiety knotted my stomach.

Just as I settled into a moment of calm, the door swung open, and I tensed again. It was my doctor, entering with a warm smile. "How are we doing, Emma?"

"I'm okay, just... a bit overwhelmed," I admitted, glancing down at my daughters. "They're beautiful."

"They really are. You did an amazing job." She looked at the babies with admiration before her gaze shifted back to me. "We'll keep you here for a little while longer to monitor everything, and then you can get some rest."

I nodded, but in the pit of my stomach, the feeling of unease festered. I couldn't shake the notion that I was being watched, that Evelyn was somehow lurking in the shadows of my mind, waiting for an opening.

The moments ticked by, and as I sat there, cradling my daughters, the sounds of the hospital faded into the background. I tried to focus solely on them, to revel in their existence, but I couldn't escape the whispers that began to swirl in my head.

What if you're not enough?

I flinched at the thought, feeling it sink deep into my subconscious. What if Evelyn is right? What if she takes them away from you?

"No," I murmured to myself, clutching my girls closer. "I won't let her."

But the doubt clawed at me, and every time a nurse entered the room, I found myself tensing, half-expecting it to be Evelyn in disguise. The paranoia was suffocating, wrapping around me like a vice.

"Emma, you need to rest," the doctor urged gently after another check-in. "You've been through a lot. Let us take the babies for a bit so you can sleep."

I hesitated, a wave of panic rushing through me at the thought of letting them go, even for a moment. "Can't they stay with me?"

"We'll bring them back, I promise," she said, her tone soothing. "It's important for you to regain your strength. You can't take care of them if you don't take care of yourself first."

With a heavy heart, I nodded, allowing the nurses to take my daughters for their check-up. As they wheeled them away, I felt an emptiness wash over me. I wanted to follow, to ensure they were safe, but I forced myself to close my eyes, telling myself I needed this.

I drifted in and out of a restless sleep, the exhaustion pulling me under. But every time I began to relax, I felt it—Evelyn's presence creeping in, a whisper in the back of my mind.

"Emma, they belong to me," she would say, her voice echoing through the darkness. "You can't do this alone."

I jolted awake, heart racing, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. The hospital room felt different, shadows shifting in the corners, and I could almost see Evelyn lurking, her gaze fixed on my daughters.

"Stop it," I hissed into the darkness, but the words fell flat against the sterile walls.

With trembling hands, I reached for the call button. "Nurse! Please!" I felt like a child again, calling for help against the monsters in the dark.

A moment later, a nurse rushed in. "Emma, is everything okay?"

"No! I... I just need to see my babies!" I could hear the panic rising in my voice, desperation clawing at me.

"Of course, let's get them back," she said, concern etched on her face.

When the nurse returned with my daughters, relief flooded through me, but as they were placed in my arms, the shadows of doubt lingered, gnawing at the edges of my joy.

"See? They're here," the nurse said, smiling at me. "You're doing wonderfully."

But even as I cradled my girls, I could hear Evelyn's voice in my mind, seeping into my thoughts like poison. You're not safe. I'll always be watching.

I glanced around the room again, half-expecting to find her watching from the shadows, but I was alone. Still, the feeling of being watched never left me, a constant reminder of the battle I was waging against my own mind.

As the day stretched into evening, I held my daughters close, determined to shield them from the encroaching darkness. "You're safe with me," I whispered, though deep down, I felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down.

But how long can I protect you?

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