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When I woke up that morning I expected it to be like every other day. Go to school, come home, eat dinner, do homework, and then go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. Somehow that day just felt different from the moment I opened my eyes, but I couldn't figure out what was giving me that feeling.  

Daily routines didn't seem that important to me most times I just went with the flow. If my friends wanted to hang out I hung out. If not I'd just end up doing whatever at home. I came from a decent family. 

My mother and father owned a well known pastry shop and because of them one of my hobbies was baking. I had many interests but one of my favorites was art. I love to draw,sketch, paint and anything else you could think of. I carried my sketchbook around with me wherever I went because I never knew what I was gonna see. I also found this to be the best way to express myself. To see my thoughts and ideas being formed into something visual. 

My parents were my biggest role models when it came to love. They were so close with each other and you could see that they were so comfortable with one another. I wanted that bond. You could tell that my mother was happy you could see it in her eyes whenever she looked at my father. 

I got up and headed to the bathroom so that I could get ready for school. On my way to the bathroom I passed the room that my parents told me to never go in. Since I was old enough to know about it I have always been curious as to what they were hiding behind that door. When I was younger I thought that they were spies and that this room was their secret hideout. Now that I'm older I think about how silly that idea was, but my curiosity never left me. I also started to notice that they would always use the room at the same time and they would be in there for quite some time. So I just thought it might be their home office and they didn't want me in there lounging around and messing things up. 

I get to the bathroom and put the thought about the room to the back of my mind and get ready for school. I was already in my senior year of high school. I didn't know what I wanted to do after I graduated. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to college or not. My parents always supported my decisions so they were fine with whatever I chose as long as I was happy. Since I always just go with the flow I was currently at a stalemate because whatever my next step would determine my future at least that is what it felt like. 

After I finished getting ready I headed into the kitchen. My parents were already there. When I walked in I heard my dad speaking. 

"I will deal with this later." I only heard my dad use that tone with my mom a handful of times. I could tell that he was angry. But somehow that never phased my mom because she always seemed to be in the best moods the next day. It was a little weird. When he saw me come into the kitchen he smiled up at me. "Ny bear good morning." I rolled my eyes at my dad. He knew that I hated that nickname that he gave me since I was a kid. 

"Dad I'm 18 now you can stop calling me that." He laughed like he always does every time I say this to him. 

"I don't care how old you are, you will always be my Ny bear." I scoffed at him and sat next to my mom hugging her. 

"Ma can you tell your husband that I refuse to accept it." My mother just laughed at me and hugged me back. I was really close with my mother to the point that she always knew what was wrong with me. She was my best friend. My dad wouldn't admit it and I could tell that he was jealous of our relationship. He really wanted a son so he could rub it in our faces when they had a better bond than we did, but it was hard for my mother to conceive. It was a miracle that they had me and I knew that it bothered her that she couldn't give my father the son he wanted. My father always reassured her though and made her feel loved and always reminded her that she was perfect the way she was and he wouldn't change anything. 

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