A Memory, Part I

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"Nyra, Nyra wake up! Or you will be late for class." I groan as I hear Venus yell at me. I roll over and ignore her.

"Ah!" I screamed as I felt a pillow hit me in the face. I jumped up and glared at Venus who gave me an innocent smile. "Fuck you." She laughed at me.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I rolled my eyes. I picked my phone up from under my pillow to check the time. It was 9:00 AM and I had a class at 10:30 AM. I got up and brushed past her heading to the bathroom. She followed behind me and I could still hear her laughing. I got to the bathroom and got ready. 

It was our second semester of our freshman year. I had finally made a decision of what I wanted to do with my life and I decided that I would go to college. I didn't really know where I wanted to go but with a lot of begging from Venus I decided to attend Huntington University with her. This also happened to be the same school her older brother attended but I still haven't seen that much of him.

All I know is that he is currently working on his masters. When I finished getting ready I headed to the kitchen and I sat down at the table waiting for Venus to finish making breakfast since today was her turn. We both decided that it would be better to rent our own apartment that was close to the university instead of staying in the dorms on campus. The dorms had too many rules and we just didn't want to be bothered. 

Of course we got some help from our parents with the apartment since they wanted us to focus on school for the moment and not worry about money. We were free to get part time jobs if we wanted some extra money but they really stressed to us that we should enjoy this time in our life, and trust me I am enjoying it because I know it's only going to get harder once I graduate. Once we finished we grabbed our bags and headed out. Today was my day to drive.

Anytime we both had classes around the same time on that day we decided to drive together taking turns on who drove to campus. Since we were only 10 minutes away by car we didn't have to leave super early for class. I was blasting music when we drove onto campus and people were giving us weird stares but I didn't give a fuck. I loved my music and I didn't care what time of the day it was, I was going to listen to it. 

It was 10:00 AM when we got to campus and I was lucky enough to find parking close to the building that we had our lectures in. This campus had 4 parking lots and they were always packed. My first class today was chemistry and I was dreading it because it was not my favorite subject which meant that I wasn't doing too well in it. All of my other classes were going smoothly but this semester chemistry threw me a curve ball.

I split up with Venus since her class was in the building next to mine and we agreed that we would meet up after our first class to grab some lunch. When I got into class I noticed that the professor wasn't there yet which was weird because he was always here before everyone else. I took my seat at the front of the class. I somehow felt that if I sat in the front I would understand everything better. Boy was I wrong because it did not help at all I was still lost. 

I pulled out my notes so that I could look over them. We recently just took our midterms and today we should be getting our grades back. I didn't feel confident about my score at all. I remember when everyone got their paper they started right away. I was staring at mine for a couple of minutes because as soon as I saw the first question I knew that I wasn't going to do well. Everyone started slowly filling in the seats.

The professor still hadn't come yet and his 15 minutes were almost up. I looked at my phone and noticed he had 2 minutes before it was okay for everyone to get up and leave. Right as I was about to start packing my things away the door opened. I sighed. I guess I have to sit through this hell. When I looked up I noticed that it wasn't Professor Amiri, and I couldn't help but stare at the stranger who now stood in front of the class.

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